Atlantic provinces

Village Historique Acadien Caraquet - Renaissance of the Acadians

Village Historique Acadien Caraquet At the Village Historique Acadien Caraquet in New Brunswick, we saw how difficult it is to capture the history of a people or an ethnic group in words, books and in spirit. Until our visit to this museum village, we had made it easy for ourselves: in most history books and travel guides it is said that the [...]

Le Pays de la Sagouine

Le Pays de la Sagouine in Bouctouche Dorine is a celebrity in New Brunswick: the little woman who awaits us in Le Pays de la Sagouine has already commanded the prime minister of the province around. “He doesn't like dancing,” she laughs. “But I tricked him. And how he can dance! And can hit the spoon [...]

By the sea - Victoria-by-the-Sea

Granted, I hadn't heard of Victoria-by-the-Sea before, even though I'd been to Prince Edward Island many times. So I was all the more surprised when we visited this pretty little seaside village on the south coast of the island province in eastern Canada this summer. There are no large signs, and in our travel guide the [...]

Three beautiful inns in New Brunswick

Three beautiful inns in New Brunswick Traveling is a hectic affair for us: we are constantly looking for the most beautiful photo motifs, the most interesting video sequences, the most exciting sights and the most interesting people we can introduce to you. There is hardly any time to rest during the day. It is therefore all the more important to us to find accommodation in [...]