Eastern Canada

Eastern Canada round trip to savor

Eastern Canada is a region that is very diverse. Here are the largest cities in the country. One can get lost in the forests of Ontario and Quebec. Instead, you feel like you are at the sea at the Great Lakes. In the Atlantic provinces, the ocean is never far away.

Halifax Nova Scotia Canada

Discover Halifax Nova Scotia Canada! The city is the only metropolis in Atlantic Canada and is also the capital of Nova Scotia. With its mix of modern skyscrapers and historic buildings, it has a unique charm. There's a lot to see and do on a Halifax city tour.

Canadian ice wine from Niagara

Canadian ice wine from Niagara tastes delicious. We tasted four wines at a presentation of Canadian wines from the Niagara region. Here you can also find out where to buy Canadian ice wine. This can be done online.

Shopping experience in Nova Scotia

A garden can hardly be more varied than the Tangled Gardens in Nova Scotia: we walk through a herb garden in which well-known and unknown types of herbs sprout abundantly. It looks a little wild, but it is still unmistakable that there is a clever helping hand behind it.

The market of St John New Brunswick

Don't miss St John's Market New Brunswick St John's Market is lively, with vendors loudly touting their wares, ranging from seafood of all varieties including delicious Bay of Fundy lobster to fruit and vegetables from the Bay of Fundy Region, meats and cheeses from all over the world[…]

Rossmount Inn in St Andrews-by-the-Sea

The historic Rossmount Inn near Saint-Andrews-by-the-Sea with its 18 rooms spread over three floors is located at the base of Chamcook Mountain in New Brunswick. It offers views of Minister's Island and Passamaquoddy Bay and excellent cuisine in its restaurant.