
Enjoy typical Scottish food and drink

You can find typical Scottish food and drink in pubs as well as in restaurants or hotels in Scotland. It's not just shortbread and whiskey. We notice one thing very quickly on our trip to Scotland. Scottish food is hearty and fills you up.

Paprika Recipe from Southern Italy - Peperonata

With this paprika recipe for peperonata you can prepare the paprika vegetables like a housewife from Puglia, Calabria or Sicily. Everyone has their recipe that they swear by. It is not clear where the recipe originally came from. Some say it comes from Sicily. The others consider Calabria or Puglia to be the place of origin. One thing is certain: it tastes delicious and is easy to cook.

Cafe in the center of Dublin

Even from the outside, the facade of Bewley's Oriental Cafe in the center of Dublin looks inviting. It is even better when we open the doors. Immediately a coffee aroma flows towards us, which entices us to try the delicacies that are on offer here.

Flädle soup recipe with a kick

Flädle soup is popular in Swabia. We also like it very much and cook it every now and then, when we come back from our trips to savor. Here we present you a Flädlesuppe recipe, which we refine with a few ingredients. This gives the soup a completely different taste.