Farm vacation Canada

Shopping experience in Nova Scotia

A garden can hardly be more varied than the Tangled Gardens in Nova Scotia: we walk through a herb garden in which well-known and unknown types of herbs sprout abundantly. It looks a little wild, but it is still unmistakable that there is a clever helping hand behind it.

Slow Food in Canada: lobster and caviar

Slow Food in Canada: You can get crabs, lobster, caviar and salmon from the neighbors A slow food menu in New Brunswick reads like a who's who of the most delicious seafood specialties that the Atlantic coast in Canada has to offer: there are crabs, lobsters , Caviar and salmon - fresh or smoked - on the table. [...]

Sunrise Trail in Nova Scotia: Road trip Canada

One of the Nova Scotia Travel Routes - The Sunrise Trail We are en route on one of the Nova Scotia Travel Routes - the Sunrise Trail in Nova Scotia! "The sunrise path" sounds tempting, doesn't it? We are on our way long after sunrise. Still, it's beautiful. The route runs along the north coast of Nova Scotia and follows [...]

Trapp Family Lodge in Stowe Vermont

The Trapp Family Lodge is located on a side street on a hill above Stowe. From there we have a view of the valley below and the range of hills on the other side of the valley. Our room has a balcony from which we have a panoramic view of the surroundings.

Canada's single malt whiskey from Glenora

Canada's single malt whiskey is distilled at the Glenora Distillery & Inn on Cape Breton Island in Nova Scotia. In addition to being a whiskey distillery, Glenora also has a hotel and restaurant with some of the best cuisine on the island.

A Newfoundland wine called Funky Puffin

Newfoundland wine is nothing new, as the island may be the Vinland of the Vikings. One thing is certain, however. The Newfoundland winery certainly never had the rows of vines that we know from other parts of Canada. Instead, it's famous for the Newfoundland Blueberry Wine.