Slovenia routes

Discover Lake Bled Slovenia in two days

Discover Bled and its old town on Lake Bled in Slovenia. Bled is located on Lake Bled below the Julian Alps. The place is not far from the Austrian-Slovenian border. This means that the place can be reached quickly and easily from both Bavaria and Austria.

Slovenia's Karawanken in the rain

So you can experience Slovenia's Karawanken even when it rains. It's raining. For hours at first. It pours. Again and again. With only short breaks between the downpours. Long walks are not an option either. So we get in the car and drive off to explore the region.

Three Slovenian attractions off the coast

Our Slovenia trip took us to different regions in the interior of the country. We discovered Slovenia attractions for slow travelers and especially the good Slovenian cuisine. There are many reasons why one should take the time to travel through this small country. Find out more here.