Germany's cities

Where in Tangermünde?

Where to go in Tangermünde Tangermünde's sights include a castle hotel, a historic hotel with regional cuisine and brick Gothic, which extends from the town hall to the city gates. There is definitely a lot to discover.

Frankfurt sights in the city center

Which Frankfurt attractions in the city center are worth visiting? High-rise buildings indicate their financial strength. With their diversity, they inspire every fan of modern architecture. But there is also the old town with its town hall and the half-timbered houses of Sachsenhausen.

Discover Aachen sights in one day

Aachen in one day - which sights in Aachen do you have to see as a museum friend in the city of Charlemagne? That was the question we asked ourselves on this visit to the city of Aachen in North Rhine-Westphalia. We visited three of them on our tour of the old town.