Edit page title What should you know about Winterlude in Ottawa?
Edit meta keywords slow travel, trips to savor, travel blog, travel videos, recipes
Edit meta description Ice carvers show their skills at the Winterlude in Ottawa. Families have fun on snow slides. There are ice skaters on the Rideau Canal
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Ballerina in ice
At Winterlude in Ottawa

Canadians celebrate winter at the Winterlude in Ottawa, which takes place every year in early February. With temperatures of -25 ° C and below, many Europeans wonder how this time of year can be celebrated. But that's fine.

How do you prepare for a trip to Winterlude in Ottawa?

During this winter festival there are numerous events in the capital of Canada. There you can watch ice carvers scratch their ephemeral works of art out of blocks of ice. There are snow slides that you can slide down on. Or join the ice skaters on the Rideau Canal.

One thing is certain: you will have as much fun as the Canadians. What you should consider before a visit to the Winterlude and how you plan a trip to the Winterlude Festival best, you will find in these articles. With these handy tips you are definitely well prepared for a winter trip to Canada. But read for yourself what else there is to experience.

Well located hotels near the Winterlude in Ottawa

Well-located Winterlude hotels in Ottawa contribute a lot to an unforgettable experience. At Winterlude in Ottawa we experienced a winter as it should be. Cold, with lots of snow and ice and people who don't let that stop them from enjoying the winter outdoors. From these Ottawa Winterlude hotels you can reach the event locations within a short distance.