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Mühlviertel Wasp Nests - Austrian Specialties

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Mühlviertler potato casserole Mühlviertler Waspennester

Bake Wasp Nests in Mühlviertel

The Mühlviertler wasp nests are one of the specialties of the region in Upper Austria. You can prepare them differently. We first got to know her in the monastery kitchen at Stift Schlägl. The chef served it to us there for lunch. They were prepared as a Mühlviertler potato casserole with apples. Cooking with potatoes is easy with this recipe. On a trip through the Mühlviertler Alm to Freistadt, we found out that you can bake Mühlviertler wasp nests. They are served with coffee and taste delicious. You can also find the recipe for Muehlviertler wasp nests here.

Cooking with potatoes in Austria

You can easily cook with potatoes with this recipe. This Mühlviertler potato casserole is one of the specialties that we offer from ours Trips to Savordue to Upper Austria brought along. The Mühlviertel wasp nests combine potatoes with apples. A type of processing of the tuber that is rarely seen. The potato flour dish is ours when we visit the monastery refectory in Pen Schläglwas served in Aigen in the Mühlviertel. Austria is famous for its pastries. However, I know few people who process potatoes. The influence of Bohemia and Bavaria on the cuisine in the Mühlviertel also plays a role here, because potatoes can be found in all kinds of dishes in both neighboring countries.

It is also one of the reasons why I love this dish. Growing up in Bavaria in a region, where potatoes are cooked in a variety of ways, potato specialties have been one of my favorite dishes, since I was a child. It makes me all the more happy, when I can add a new recipe to my collection of potato dishes. Especially if it is one, that is as easy to prepare as the Wasp Nests. This Mühlviertel Potato Casserole is one of the dishes, that we discovered on our travels, that we cook regularly at home.


Bestseller among cookbooks with Austrian cuisine*

Are you looking for delicious recipes from Austrian cuisine? Then take a look at the cookbooks on Amazon, which you can access via the link above. In it you will find a great selection of recipe books where you can find Austria's specialties.

You can find more must-have cookbooks here.


Simply cook with potatoes - Mühlviertel Wasp Nests

Ingredients for Mühlviertler Wasp Nests (4 Portions)

Dough for Cooking with Potatoes

500 g floury cooking potatoes
150 g flour
1 tbsp soft butter


750 g apples
60 g melted butter
30 g raisins
50 g of brown sugar


250 ml of milk

How to cook with potatoes - Prepare Mühlviertel Wasp Nests with potatoes

Cooking with potatoes is easy. Boil the potatoes and peel them. Then press them through the potato ricer. Knead the potatoes, flour, butter, egg and some salt into a smooth dough.

Grease a casserole dish with butter. Preheat the oven to 170°C. peel the apples Remove the core house. Finally, cut the apples into thin slices.

Then roll out the dough on a floured work surface to a thickness of about 5 mm. Brush it with butter. Scatter apples and raisins on top. Sprinkle them with a mixture of cinnamon and sugar. This makes the Mühlviertel potato casserole taste particularly good.

Roll the dough up like a strudel. Divide the rolling pin into 5 cm thick slices. Place them upright in the baking dish. Then brush the dough pieces with melted butter and bake them for about 60 minutes on the middle rack in the oven.

Pour milk on top 10 minutes before the end of the baking time. You can serve the Mühlviertel wasp nests both warm and cold. You can sprinkle cinnamon and sugar on top if you like. A compote tastes best with it (e.g. rhubarb or plums). Bon appetit and enjoy the Mühlviertel potato casserole. Cooking with potatoes is healthy.


Muehlviertel wasp nests
Mühlviertler Wasp nests


Bake Wasp Nests in Mühlviertel

Ingredients for the dough:

  • 500 grams of flour
  • 250 grams of lukewarm milk
  • 60 grams of granulated sugar
  • 10 grams of vanilla sugar
  • 5 grams of salt
  • two egg yolks
  • Peel half an untreated lemon
  • 70 grams of melted but not hot butter
  • half a cube of fresh yeast (one packet of dry yeast)

Mix all ingredients except the flour in a mixer until smooth, finally fold in the flour and knead everything into a smooth dough. Cover with a tea towel and leave to rest for about 30 minutes at room temperature. In the meantime prepare the filling.


In the baking pan
Mühlviertel wasp nests in the baking pan


For the Filling:

  • about 80 grams of melted butter
  • 80 grams of granulated sugar
  • 80 grams of grated hazelnuts
  • 2-3 tart apples coarsely grated (with skin)
  • Some ground cinnamon
  • Some vanilla sugar

Roll out the dough into a rectangle - the size of a baking sheet.

Coat with butter, sprinkle with sugar and nuts and finally sprinkle with apples. Sprinkle with cinnamon and vanilla sugar and press a little into the dough. Roll up from the two long sides towards the middle. Then divide in the middle to make two rolls.

Grease a square frying pan with butter. Cut the rolls into 2,5 cm long pieces and place them side by side in the pan like snails.

Let stand for about half an hour (until the volume has roughly doubled). Brush with a little liquid butter and bake in the preheated oven at 170 ° C until golden yellow (approx. 20 - 25 min.)

Remove from the pan and then sprinkle with sugar.

Source: Thomas Friesenecker and Garni Hotel Hubertus in Freistadt


Simply cook with potatoes or bake
Click on the photo and then make a note of "Wasp's Nest Recipes" on Pinterest.


Blogger campaign "@volkermampft's culinary trip around the worldYou can find more recipes from different regions of the world in Volker Mampft’s culinary trip around the world. With this recipe, we are also participating in his campaign, in which he collects recipes for comfort food from all over the world.




Do you also know:

Source Simply cooking with potatoes - Mühlviertel potato casserole wasp nests: research on site. In any case, our opinion remains our own.

Text Muehlviertler wasp nests: © Monika Fuchs and TWO
Photos: © Copyright Monika Fuchs and TWO

Mühlviertel Wasp Nests - Austrian Specialties

Monika Fuchs

Monika Fuchs and Petar Fuchs are the authors and publishers of the Food and Slow Travel blog  TravelWorldOnline. They have been publishing this blog since 2005. TravelWorldOnline has been online since 2001. Their topics are trips to Savor, wine tourism worldwide and slow travel. During her studies Monika Fuchs spent some time in North America, where she - partly together with Petar Fuchs - traveled to the USA and Canada and spent a research year in British Columbia. This intensified her thirst for knowledge, which she satisfied for 6 years as an adventure guide for Rotel Tours and then for 11 years as a tour guide for Studiosus Reisen around the world. She was constantly expanding her travel regions, but curiosity still gnawed at her: "What's beyond the horizon? What else is there to discover in this city? Which people are interesting here? What do they eat in this region?" As a freelance travel journalist (her articles have appeared in DIE ZEIT, 360° Canada, 360° USA, etc.), she is now looking for answers to these questions as a travel writer and travel blogger in many countries around the world. Petar Fuchs produces the videos on this blog as well as on YouTube. Monika Fuchs from TravelWorldOnline is among Germany's top 50 bloggers in 2021. Find more Information about Monika and Petar Fuchs here.

26 thoughts too " Mühlviertel Wasp Nests - Austrian Specialties"

  1. Interesting! Could also be found in the Hungarian farmer's kitchen, where there are actually wasp nests, also in the form, but made of different dough and filling.

    1. That's interesting. But the cuisine in eastern Austria has a lot in common with the kitchens of Bohemia and Hungary. I have to research the Hungarian version. Thanks for the tip.

  2. That reminds me a lot of Bavarian cuisine. These were typical Friday dishes when you couldn't / didn't want to cook fish. Definitely sounds good!
    Kind regards Sylvia

    1. Liebe Sylvia,
      I agree with you. Such dishes were particularly typical in regions where potatoes are one of the main ingredients. I grew up in such a region. We didn't know wasp nests there, however. So I was all the more pleased about the recipe, because I've liked potato dishes since I was a child.
      Best regards,

    1. The only thing they have in common with real wasp nests is their appearance. They taste a lot better.

    1. Dear Simone, let us know how you taste them. I'm curious.
      Best regards,

  3. But they look great. So far I have known sweet potato dough mainly for plum dumplings. The wasp nests read very well, I love potatoes and have to try it.

    1. Right. That's what you use it for. The wasp nests from the Mühlviertel are a wonderful main meal.

  4. Hi monika,

    I have never heard of Mühlviertel wasp nests before. I would be interested in where the name comes from. In any case, they look very tasty.

    LG Anja

    1. Hi Anja,

      I didn't know her before our visit to the region. They are a regional specialty. The name probably comes from their shape, as they look a little like wasp nests.

      LG, Monica

  5. I've been collecting Austrian recipes and cookbooks for years. I'm not that well versed in baking yet. So now I'm really excited about this recipe. I did not know. Great thing. I would like to try it out.

    1. Without apples, however, the recipe becomes quite dry. But of course you can change the recipe according to your taste.

    1. I am happy if you are interested in them. Let me know how you like them when you try them.

    1. Hello Britta,

      for both. The first recipe is served as a main course. The second is pastries that are served with coffee.

      Best regards,

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