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Markets & Shops

The best farmers markets in Canada

The best farmers' markets in Canada In Canada, the trend towards locally produced food is establishing itself. Fresh fruit and vegetables from farmers in the region are naturally ripened and taste different from products that have traveled a long way and had an artificially interrupted ripening period. In addition, you save the enormous transport costs and protect the environment, [...]

The market of St John New Brunswick

Don't miss St John's Market New Brunswick St John's Market is lively, with vendors loudly touting their wares, ranging from seafood of all varieties including delicious Bay of Fundy lobster to fruit and vegetables from the Bay of Fundy Region, meats and cheeses from all over the world[…]

From fish lobster and caviar

From fish lobster and caviar He is Austria's only producer of caviar: Walter Grüll, who breeds sturgeon in Grödig in the Salzburg region. And that's not all! The caviar that he breeds - in addition to fish, lobster and oysters - is not just any type of caviar, but white caviar, making it the most expensive food in the world. One gram[…]