A cafe in the Kingdom of Crystal in Smaland
We are looking for a cafe in the Kingdom of Crystal in Smaland. We discover this pretty café. "Perfect", I think to myself. “The ideal place for our lunch after Visit to the Glass Factory. ”Maja Heuer, the director of the Glass Factory, later confirms this when I asked her where to eat well in the area. She is so nice and announces our visit to the café, so the owners are expecting us when we arrive there.

The owner of the café welcomes us with a friendly smile and invites us to her lovingly decorated café. I like this at first glance. You can tell that she and her husband are passionate hosts. This confirms: "Yes. We actually bought the house next door to spend our retirement here, ”she laughs. "We couldn't stand it for a long time. We used to have a restaurant in town. That's why we started to move the little house in Smaland to restore and opened our café in it. We enjoy catering to others. ”I believe her immediately. Word has apparently got around, because just a few minutes after us some of the young glass artists from the Glass Factory arrive. They make themselves comfortable on one of the beer garden tables in front of the house after they have ordered their food at the counter.

A slate as a menu
The menu is on hand-written slates above the counter. However, we have difficulties with the Swedish courts listed there. Our lack of language skills make the selection difficult. Our hostess notices this quickly and brings us a German menu. Here one is apparently adjusted to visitors from other countries. We choose two different dishes: a plate of crispy potato pancakes. In addition there's bacon, cranberry must and salad. Petar takes a big waffle with cream and cherry nut.

Loving table decoration
While we wait for our food, which is personally prepared by the landlord in the kitchen, I look around the café. Everything speaks volumes about the enthusiasm with which the owners run their café in the Kingdom of Crystal: on the walls hang homemade embroidery and highly polished brass forms. On a wallboard stand a wooden barrel, pretty bottles and a Kraxe, in which goods were once transported on the back. On a windowsill stands a carved figure representing one of the loggers who used to work in the dense forests of the Kingdom of Crystal. Tables and windows are adorned with red and white plaid tablecloths and curtains, and our table decoration is a pretty glass lantern flickering with a tealight.
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Homemade food
But the best is yet to come: the food turns out to be a stroke of luck. My potato pancakes are exactly how I make them at home: crispy and nice and thick. The homemade cranberry sauce is delicious, and the thick rashers of bacon make it a hearty meal that will keep me full for the whole day. Petar's waffle also looks inviting so I can't resist trying a bite. Together with the whipped cream and the cherry compote, it is a perfect lunch. Saying goodbye is difficult for us in this small café in the Kingdom of Crystal. Therefore we enjoy a cup of espresso at the end, where the landlady joins us again. We ask her what it's like to live so lonely in the middle of the forest, and she laughs: "That's Sweden. That's part of it.” And she's right! We like it.
Travel Arrangements:
Parking at the airport
Here you can reserve your parking space at the airport.
How to reach it
Book yours here Arrival by plane, bus or train*. Lufthansa and SAS will follow Stockholm.
Car Rentals:
Cheap car hire - book quickly and easily!
Hotel in Kosta:
We stayed in the Kosta Boda Art Hotel in Kosta *, Further Smaland hotels * You can also find this link.
Source: own research on site. We thank you Visit Smaland for the invitation to this trip. Our opinion remains our own.
Text: © Copyright Monika Fuchs, TravelWorldOnline
Photos: © Copyright Monika Fuchs, TravelWorldOnline
Dear Monika,
Since we are traveling in the same region. Can you tell me where the cafe is exactly? We are in Sweden two, three times a year, in Mallila and I love such very personal cafes. I would like to stop by.
Dear Roswitha,
The café was located at the junction of the main road 25 on the Storgatan direction Glass Factory in Boda Glasbruk. However, it was closed last year. Unfortunately, there is no home page on which you could check if it opened again this year. But just ask in the Glass Factory. There we were also recommended the cafe.
Best regards,
A very pretty little cafe, reminds me a little of the "Villa Kunterbunt". For me it's the first time I'm going to Sweden in January and I'm really excited to see what awaits me there in the depths of winter.
Hi Anja,
In winter this is definitely another experience. Do you already know that Travelstories magazine? There are quite a few reports about the winter in Sweden.
Best regards,
A great tip! The waffles would have tasted good too. : D potato pancakes could only make my grandma really good - and that's a very objective, certainly not biased fact !! ;) *fun
Haha, dear Julia,
I know that with the potato pancakes. No one could do better than my mother. But those in Smaland were just super delicious! Especially with cranberries and bacon. A great combination. I could actually do that at home, right?
Best regards,
Hello you two,
The cafe is really pretty and I feel reminded of old children's movies. Has something of a perfect world. Nice that you also find such places and not only the always same-looking modern hip shops.
I like something :-)
Best regards,
Liebe Sabine
We like such lovingly equipped restaurants often better than the trendy restaurants that really all look the same sometime. Here, the personality of the owner is much more effective and you feel at home immediately.
Best regards,
Oh that's a great cafe!
I wish you a nice 2. Advent!
Hi Jenny,
that was really hyggelig. A cafe to feel good, Jenny. Also you a nice 2. Advent.
Best regards,