Aachen specialties and culinary tips

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Cake selection in the old Aachen coffee shops

Aachen, a city in western Germany, is known for its delicious and varied cuisine. From the famous Aachener Printen and gingerbread to hearty dishes such as sauerbraten and various types of sausage, there are specialties for everyone in Aachen. Let's explore some of the city's must-try specialties and dishes. Here you can find out what you should eat in Aachen.



Aachen specialties

If you're in town, you should definitely take the opportunity to try some of Aachen's specialities. Of course, Aachener Printen is one of them. How could it be otherwise? They are even named after the city. But there is more Culinarywhat the city has to offer. And that's not just Aachen Gingerbread. The restaurants and the culinary offer of the city is diverse. Have you heard of Dresse Nougat? the city in Nordrhein-Westfalen has a lot to offer when it comes to the restaurant scene. Eating out in Aachen will surprise you with clever ideas. With our tips you are well equipped to get to know the culinary side of the city. Enjoy the Aachen food!

Aachen food

If you are in Aachen, you should definitely experience the local food culture. A mix of Rhenish and Belgian influences, Aachen cuisine offers a variety of dishes you won't find anywhere else. The people of Aachen attach great importance to good quality and regional ingredients, so you can be sure that you will only get the best here. And the best part is that many of the restaurants and taverns here have a cozy atmosphere that will make you feel right at home!

If you go out to eat in Aachen, you should definitely try the Aachen Sauerbraten. This dish is succulent beef marinated in a rich marinade of vinegar and spices. The sauerbraten is served with potato dumplings and red cabbage - an absolute classic of Aachen cuisine. In addition to the sauerbraten, there are many other typical Aachen dishes. This includes, for example, the "Öcher Puttes", a kind of blood sausage. But there are also specialties from Aachen that are known beyond the city limits. This includes, for example, the Aachen medicinal water, which has been bottled in the city for centuries and used as a remedy.



Aachen specialties - the Aachener Printen
Aachen specialties - the Aachen Printen. There are factories for Aachen gingerbread.


Buy typical Aachen specialties – The Aachener Printen

If you want to enjoy Aachen specialties at home, there are various ways to buy them in the city. For example, there are some traditional bakeries that are famous for their Aachener Printen - a type of spiced pastry. The Aachener Printen are the Aachen gingerbread, which is the first thing that comes to mind when every visitor thinks about the culinary delights of the city of Charlemagne. Rightly so! The gingerbread and spice cakes were already being made in ancient times.

They were pressed into molds in Dinant, France, long before they became an Aachen specialty. There they were offered as “Couques de Dinant” or shaped bread. The gingerbread was first sweetened with honey. In the course of the 18th century, this was replaced with other types of sugar. Around 1820, the Aachen bakers finally succeeded in developing a dough from flour, cane sugar, brown sugar and sugar beet syrup and spices that was easy to press - "print" - in wooden molds.

What to eat in Aachen

If you are in Aachen, you should definitely try the Aachen herb printen. These are sweet pastries that are refined with a mixture of different herbs such as sage, thyme and rosemary. This gives them a very special taste that is reminiscent of the Aachen medicinal herbs that have been cultivated here for centuries. The herbal prints are a great addition to a cup of tea or coffee and are also a nice gift idea for the home.



Aachen specialties - herbal almond crackprints
Herbal Almond Bruchprinten, an Aachen gingerbread specialty


You can buy typical Aachen specialties online

  • Dominoes, herb and nut sprints are included Kinkartz *
  • Chocolate prints, herb prints, gingerbread and honey prints are included Lambertz *

If you purchase via a link marked *, we receive a commission, which we use to run this blog.


Aachener Printen from the Printenbäckerei Klein
Aachener Printen from the Printen bakery Klein. Aachen gingerbread are very variable.


This is how to produce Aachener Printen

The dough of the Aachen gingerbread specialty is made without butter, nuts or almonds. Spices give it its typical taste. Sugar beet syrup holds the dough together. The Aachener Printenbäcker Klein explains to us that the dough has to rest for a few days after mixing so that the spice aromas mix. After this rest period, the dough is so hard that it can no longer be processed by hand. You knead it and press it into shape, either in one of the old wooden molds or as a quarry. Then the Aachen gingerbread comes into the oven. Once they are baked, they are hard. Other ingredients such as hazelnuts, almonds or chocolate are then added to the Aachen gingerbread specialty.


Aachen specialties - Printenkonfekt the Printenbäckerei Klein
Aachen specialties - Aachen gingerbread from the Printenbäckerei Klein


"If you want to soften the printen, you just put a piece of apple in a tin with printen and seal it well. Or you leave the Printen lying open in the kitchen, where the air is humid. ”The Aachen Printenbäcker Klein gives us this advice on the way.


Rhenish roast beef with potato dumplings and red cabbage
Aachen Essen - Rheinischer Sauerbraten with potato dumplings and red cabbage - Aachen specialties


Aachen Printen recipe - typical Aachen specialties

If you get an appetite for Aachener Printen during the year, then you can make them yourself. This Aachen gingerbread specialty is perfect for giving the Aachener Sauerbraten its typical taste.


150 g brown sugar candy
10 g potash
1 tbsp rum (alternatively water)
500 g beet syrup
100 g of brown sugar
600 g flour
60 g chopped orange peel
1 tsp each of cinnamon, anise powder and ground coriander
1 pinch of clove powder
3 tbsp milk


Put the sugar candy in a freezer bag and chop it with a meat tenderizer. Stir the potash in rum. Stir the sugar into the beet syrup. Add four tablespoons of water and heat the mass until the sugar has melted.

Mix the flour with sugar candy, orange peel, cinnamon, anise, coriander and cloves. Knead potash and syrup underneath. Then let the dough rest in the refrigerator for at least four hours.

Roll out the dough about half a centimeter thick. Cut it into rectangles. Spread them on the sheet. Make sure there is enough space between the prints. Brush them with milk and then bake them at 180 degrees (forced air 160 degrees) for ten to twelve minutes.


That must be in the suitcase for the visit to Aachen

    • Comfortable Shoes. In Aachen you walk a lot on cobblestone streets.
    • A backpack, in which you can store all the delicacies that you cannot avoid in Aachen.
    • An Camera* for the photo motifs that Aachen offers.
    • A Aachen city map and travel guide * for orientation in the city.

If you purchase via a link marked *, we receive a commission, which we use to run this blog.


Aachen specialties - Rhenish roast beef with potato dumplings and red cabbage

Which Aachen specialties are there? Did you know that the Printen in Aachen are no longer just baked at Christmas time? There is a reason for that. Because some Aachen specialties that are served all year round use Printen as ingredients. This includes the Rhenish Sauerbraten with potato dumplings and red cabbage. The sauce for roasting is seasoned either with Printen seasoning or - even better - with Printen. This gives the sauce its spicy taste, which makes the Sauerbraten in Aachen something special. Aachen food is imaginative.

I have the Rhenish Sauerbraten in the Restaurant Postwagen tried at the Aachen town hall. Eating out in Aachen is not just a culinary experience. You can also eat here behind a historic facade with a view of Aachen's market square.


Aachen specialties - Dresse nougat ready for sale
Aachen specialties - Dresse nougat ready for sale - Aachen food for lovers of sweets


Aachen specialties - Dresse nougat

The Dresse family's nougat belongs to the Aachen specialties. We are invited to Dresse Nougat and can watch how this Aachen delicacy is made. "We make Dresse Nougat in the Dutch way," explains Mr. Dresse. And his wife laughs: “My husband is of Dutch descent and his family brought the nougat production from Holland with them generations ago. After that, we still produce it today. "


Aachen specialties


Sugar almost has to caramelize

We observe how sugar is almost (!) Made to caramelize and protein is beaten into snow. The whole thing is mixed up and Mr. Dresse rolls out the mass on a table. He distributes puffed rice over it - or depending on the season, other ingredients. Then he lets the dough cool down. Only then is it cut into the desired shape, covered with chocolate and wrapped in the green or green-red-silver paper that can be seen in the shop windows of many candy stores in the city center of Aachen.

You also need good teeth for Dresse's nougat. When the nougat melts in your mouth, it unfolds its flavor. Just the right thing for foodies like me! These are Aachen specialties the way I like them.

Aachen specialties in the restaurant: the sausage cuisine Hanswurst

When we heard that we were eating in the Hanswurst sausage kitchen in Aachen, we were initially skeptical. Sausage cuisine sounded like fast food, and we are actually more allergic to fast food. We were all the more surprised when we got to know the Wurst Restaurant Hanswurst.




Hanswurst is easy to find, as it is right next to the cathedral between the Elisengarten and the cathedral square. Even from the outside, the restaurant does not correspond to what we imagine a sausage kitchen to look like: wooden benches and tables invite guests under parasols to enjoy their lunch with a view of the cathedral. We are even more astonished when we enter the Hanswurst sausage kitchen: in the middle of the restaurant there is a large table, where strangers are sitting around to take care of them Sausage specialties to be consumed, which are offered at the self-service counter.

Eating multicultural in the sausage kitchen

A multicultural lunch, so to speak. There are additional tables on the walls where families have lunch together, groups of friends meet for lunch and business people meet for a meeting. This is not at all the clientele that we expected in a sausage kitchen. Artur Ohl, the managing director of Hanswurst, explains to us: "Aachen's students prefer to stay in their own quarter, which is on the other side of the old town."


Sausage kitchen Hanswurst
Sausage kitchen Hanswurst


A 5 star promise in the sausage kitchen – Aachen specialties for sausage fans

"Now only the food has to be right," I think to myself. And that leaves nothing to be desired. The sausage kitchen Hanswurst gives its guests a 5 star promise on their menus:

  • Serves high-quality, artisanal sausage quality - uncompromising in the selection of raw materials and ingredients. And you can taste that!
  • At the Grilling sausages and the preparation of french fries do not use fats and oils. There is no dripping or foul-smelling fat in this sausage kitchen. Instead, they rely on tasty sausages and side dishes and a self-developed preparation method without fat.
  • Hanswurst avoids additives and flavor enhancers as much as possible. There are no concessions or compromises for cost reasons.
  • All sausages at Hanswurst are made with own recipes according to the old butcher's tradition. There are also home-grown sauces. Ketchup and mustard sauces are culinary highlights in this Wurstestaurant.
  • And then there's the hospitality of Hanswurst. And yes, even in a self-service restaurant. Hanswurst's goal is to offer a piece of German gastronomy culture. We feel very well and well served by the guys at the bar, who also like to give tips and recommend matching sauces. Friendliness towards the guest is very important here.


Hans bliss sausage
Hanswonnewurst - Aachen specialties


This is how we liked the Aachen specialties from Hanswurst

Petar orders the latest sausage creation from the sausage kitchen Hanswurst: the Hanswonnewurst (€8,90), which is advertised as making you fit, slim and healthy. This bratwurst consists of beef, pork and sauerkraut and is finely tuned with paprika, rock salt, white Kampot pepper and spices. There is also homemade mashed potatoes and carrots, which even a “carrot grouch” like me tastes great. I order a Deutschburger (€5,90) ​​– a burger with a sausage snail made from 100% German beef, grilled on the special grill. There is also a wonderful burger sauce, cucumber, tomato and lettuce. I also try the fat-free French fries (€2,30) from Hanswurst and cheese (€0,50). The whole thing just tastes delicious! These are Aachen specialties the way we like them.


German Burger
Deutschburger - Aachen specialties


The drinks menu surprises us as well: here, apart from Pepsi and Mirinda, there are not the usual soft drinks. Instead, we have the choice between Gaffels Fassbrause lemon, orange or apple juice from the fruit winery of Nahmen, a HANSbräu freshly tapped in a Steinkrug, a glass of Riesling or even Cuvée of excellent quality. The sausage is celebrated at Hanswurst in the truest sense of the word.

We only regret one thing: that the sausage restaurant Hanswurst is so far away from us. We would definitely be a guest here more often! Here you may not find the usual Aachen specialties, but definitely good food.


What you need for a visit to Aachen

  • You will do a lot on foot in Aachen. Hence are comfortable shoes definitely important.
  • If you are also planning an elegant evening, then you should comfortable pumps .
  • Aachen offers many delicacies that are suitable as souvenirs. The ones mentioned here are just a few of them. In one backpack you can accommodate them well.
  • Forget yours Camera not, because the historic old town of Aachen tempts you to take photos in many places.


Do you like to travel by motorhome?


Popular activities in Aachen



Travel Arrangements:

Parking at the airport

Here you can reserve your parking space at the airport.

How to get there

Compare and book flights here*. The nearest airport is definitely Maastricht-Aachen (about 40 km away). From there you finally go by train or bus to Aachen. Those arriving by car can also park their car in one of the multi-storey car parks close to the centre.

Car Rentals:

Cheap car hire - book here! *

Camper Rentals:

Compare motorhome prices here. Or do you prefer to travel with that instead? Rooftent or Tent?

Accommodation in Mainz:

Hotels, apartments and other accommodation in Aachen * You can also book under this link. We definitely have the INNside at Melia * stayed overnight in a comfortable hotel with a parking garage from which you can easily reach the museums on foot. You can also find accommodation of your choice using these maps:

Aachen Printen recipe
Click on the photo and then pin "Aachen specialties" on Pinterest


Do you know this?


Other Enjoyment travel tips you can find it here, for example.

Source Aachen specialties : research on site. We would like to thank Aachen Tourist eV for the friendly invitation to this pleasure trip. However, our opinion remains our own. You can also find more tips for pleasure trips in North Rhine-Westphalia on Pleasure in NRW or follow the hashtag #deinNRW on Facebook or Twitter.

Text: © Copyright Monika Fuchs and TravelWorldOnline
Photos: © Copyright Monika Fuchs and TravelWorldOnline
Video: © Copyright Petar Fuchs and TravelWorldOnline

Aachen specialties and culinary tips

Monika Fuchs

Monika Fuchs and Petar Fuchs are the authors and publishers of the Slow Travel and Enjoyment travel blog TravelWorldOnline Traveller. You have been publishing this blog since 2005. TravelWorldOnline has been online since 2001. Your topics are Trips to Savor and wine tourism worldwide and Slow Travel. During her studies, Monika Fuchs spent some time in North America, where she traveled to the USA and Canada - sometimes together with Petar Fuchs - and spent a research year in British Columbia. This strengthened her thirst for knowledge, which she pursued for 6 years Adventure Guide for Rotel Tours and then for 11 years as Study tour guide for Studiosus Reisen tried to breastfeed all over the world. She constantly expanded her travel regions, but curiosity still gnawed at her: “What is beyond the horizon? What else is there to discover in this city? Which people are interesting here? What do you eat in this region?” These are the questions she is now trying to answer as a freelance travel journalist (her articles have appeared in DIE ZEIT, 360° Canada, 360° USA, etc.), among others. travel writer and travel blogger answers in many countries around the world. Petar Fuchs produces the videos on this blog as well as on YouTube. Monika Fuchs from TravelWorldOnline is below Germany's top 50 bloggers in 2021 Other Information about Monika and Petar Fuchs. Recommendations on LinkedIn from tourism experts Further recommendations from cooperation partners and tourism experts Professional experience Monika on LinkedIn

2 thoughts too "Aachen specialties and culinary tips"

    1. Hello Katharina,
      :) Yes. You have to try it. Tastes wonderful! Especially when the nougat is still warm.
      Best regards,
      Monika and Petar

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