Enjoy the nature

Dutch Oven Sizes – Which One Fits Me?

With the Dutch Oven you can cook just as well on the terrace as on a motorhome trip or over a campfire. If you want to buy a cast iron pot, you first have to clarify which pot sizes are right for you. This Dutch Oven Size Chart will help you decide.

Whale Watching Alaska and Canada

You can find the best spots for whale watching in Alaska and Canada here. Whale watching is definitely part of a trip to Canada or Alaska. You can enjoy nature everywhere in Canada and Alaska. These are the best places to see whales.

Twillingate Newfoundland - At the wild coast

There are places where you feel like you are in another world. You can enjoy nature here. The coast off Twillingate Newfoundland is one of them. Where people hardly have anything to say. Where nature takes over. Where the elements determine what happens.