
Enjoy the most beautiful cities in Canada

Which are the most beautiful cities in Canada? How can you best enjoy them? These are questions we asked ourselves when choosing these cities. The question of which city in Canada is the most beautiful cannot be answered universally, however, as the decision is always in the eye of the beholder. Here you can choose.

Twillingate Newfoundland - At the wild coast

There are places where you feel like you are in another world. You can enjoy nature here. The coast off Twillingate Newfoundland is one of them. Where people hardly have anything to say. Where nature takes over. Where the elements determine what happens.

Iceberg Beer from Newfoundland

The Iceberg Beer from Newfoundland tastes great! I'm usually more of a wine drinker. But in Newfoundland I was taught otherwise, because there is a beer there that you won't find anywhere else in the world: the Iceberg Beer from the Quidi Vidi Brewery in St. John's Newfoundland. Making beer from iceberg water is a great idea! The[…]

Eastern Canada round trip to savor

Eastern Canada is a region that is very diverse. Here are the largest cities in the country. One can get lost in the forests of Ontario and Quebec. Instead, you feel like you are at the sea at the Great Lakes. In the Atlantic provinces, the ocean is never far away.