Recipes from Canada

Make your own pancake dough for an American breakfast

With this pancakes dough you can prepare a breakfast like in America at home. Making pancakes dough yourself is easy. Breakfast in the US or Canada looks different than ours. It is one of the most important main meals of the day there. Especially on weekends, you take the time to have a long and extensive breakfast.

Poutine, specialty from Quebec

Poutine is the Quebec specialty. The dish has cult status in the French-speaking part of Canada and is almost something of a national dish for Quebecers. Here you can find out more about it and where you can get good poutine.

Traditional Christmas dinner in Canada

What is a traditional Christmas dinner in Canada? Traditional Christmas dinner in Canada is turkey. It is usually filled with bread and served with gravy. There is also cranberry sauce and root vegetables such as carrots, celery and pumpkin. The whole family gathers at a meal like this. In Canada it often happens that the family members [...]