
Whale Watching Alaska and Canada

You can find the best spots for whale watching in Alaska and Canada here. Whale watching is definitely part of a trip to Canada or Alaska. You can enjoy nature everywhere in Canada and Alaska. These are the best places to see whales.

Newfoundland, Canada - the island of explorers

Perhaps it is because of its location that the island of Newfoundland, Canada has a number of explorers in its history. Not all of them are from the island, some discovered it themselves. But it is noticeable that we repeatedly come across enterprising and courageous adventurers on our trip through Newfoundland, Canada, who in [...]

From Inuvik to the Arctic Ocean & to Herschel Island

My adventure trip from Inuvik to the Arctic Ocean and to Herschel Island I will never forget my trip from Inuvik to the Arctic Ocean. From there we continued by bush plane to Herschel Island in the Beaufort Sea. Inuvik was the northernmost point in the Northwest Territories accessible by road during the summer when I was there.[…]

Mt Denali - best viewpoints

Mt Denali in Alaska is one of those mountains that you absolutely want to see, but that doesn't show itself to everyone. Here you will find the best viewpoints on the mountain. It also takes a bit of luck that the mountain shows itself.

On the way on the Dempster Highway

I have often been asked what was the most impressive experience for me that I associate with Canada. Well, there is a lot that I have experienced in the more than thirty years that I have traveled the vastness of Canada. One thing is for sure the enormous size of the country, for which one human life is not enough to [...]

Dream trip, where money does not matter

You can still dream, right? And especially when it comes to our dream trip to regions for which we have all the financial means to make it a reality. When I saw Janina's and Katharina's call for their blog parade on SOS wanderlust with this topic, the Arctic immediately occurred to me, a [...]