Spanish monastery in Miami Beach

“What is a Spanish monastery doing in Miami Beach?” You are probably wondering. We asked ourselves the same question. We discovered the Ancient Spanish Monastery on the map while preparing for our winter trip to Florida. I had never heard of it before. But the reference on the Google map did not give me any [...]

American Lifestyle - What is it?

America skeptics will say that there is no such thing as an American lifestyle. And America lovers have a hard time defining exactly what the American lifestyle is. But it's not that difficult at all. There is just not the American lifestyle, but many ways of life, which can be easily divided into regions

Snickerdoodles recipe

Granted, I tried the Snickerdoodle recipe because of the name of the cookies. Doesn't he make you laugh too? They also attracted me because of their origins. Because the recipe for the Snickerdoodle Cookies comes from the kitchens of the Mennonites and Amish.