Search results for: Ireland

Durnstein in the Wachau

Dürnstein Abbey in the Wachau looks best from the Danube. You can see the blue tower of the collegiate church below the castle from afar, if you approach the place by ship. The place does not offer many sights, but those that are are worth a visit. They bear witness to the great past of the place.

Luxembourg Specialties you should know

Do you want to try Luxembourg specialties? There is Grompere Kichelcher, Kuddelfleck, Andouillette, Träipen, Kallefskaap and more. Can't you imagine anything by that? Then this article will help. Here you will find a glossary and culinary recommendations what you can enjoy in Luxembourg.

Gifts for hikers

Here you will find suggestions for practical gifts for hikers and mountaineers. Everyone who enjoys being out in nature will be happy to receive one of these gifts. They show that you have thought about what he needs for his hobby - hiking or mountaineering.

Cool backpacks for city trips

Cool backpacks for city trips are chic accessories for a city tour. They have to be practical and look good. And, if possible, still fulfill certain functions that are required on city trips. Here is a selection.