
TBEX Ostrava 2018 - what was special?

In contrast to previous TBEX conferences, this time only a small percentage of travel bloggers described themselves as beginners. The majority of the participants had several years of blogging experience. That made TBEX 2018 so interesting.

Photo highlights 2 / 2016 photo-parade

What are our photo highlights from the 2nd half of 2016? Michael has asked this question for the fourth time. So it is time again to search our photo archive for the best photos from the second half of 2016. We are following Michael's call for his photo parade #FoPaNet 2 2016. This is definitely [...]

Where are we traveling 2016?

The beginning of the year is the hot planning phase for our trips in the next twelve months. The question arises: where are we going in 2016? It usually takes a few weeks or even months until we definitely know where our travels will lead us. An exciting time! But also a time in which we meet with many [...]

The most beautiful pictures of our trips 2015

The year 2015 is drawing to a close. We started our travel year shortly after the beginning of the year with a trip to Italy and ended with a trip to North Rhine-Westphalia in December. In between there were many interesting and varied trips to different continents, countries in Europe and regions in Germany. We have discovered new things, familiar things from a new [...]

Best pictures in 2. Half year 2015

Best pictures in the 2nd half of 2015 - that interests us. Especially when it comes to photos, we like to take part in blog parades. This time Michael from Explore the World called for the best pictures from the 2nd half of 2015 to be selected for certain categories. We are very happy to participate. Since July we have been to some [...]