
Mt Denali - best viewpoints

Mt Denali in Alaska is one of those mountains that you absolutely want to see, but that doesn't show itself to everyone. Here you will find the best viewpoints on the mountain. It also takes a bit of luck that the mountain shows itself.

A New Hampshire White Mountains Bed and Breakfast

The Adair Inn in Bethlehem, New Hampshire, on the northern edge of the White Mountains is perfect for a stay in the White Mountains USA. From here you can easily reach the Cog Railway, as well as hiking trails in the forests and mountains of the region. You stay in the middle of nature.

Massachusetts landmarks

The sights in Massachusetts take you to the times of the Pilgrim Fathers, but also to North America of the American Revolution. On the Freedom Trail in Boston you follow Sam Adams and his cronies in his fight against taxation through motherland England. In Plymouth you can see how the first settlers in North America lived.

America's most popular coastline

We showed a photo trip from the west to the east coast on our social media. Below the photos are beaches in California. We present scenes of whale watching in the Inside Passage off Alaska and British Columbia. There is a three-master on the coast of Nova Scotia, but also a lighthouse on the Bay of Casco near Portland in Maine.

Lobster stew - Canadian recipes

When traveling through Canada's Atlantic provinces, you come across it again and again on the menus of many restaurants: the lobster stew, which is usually served with fresh vegetables and fried potatoes, as here at the Tidal Watch Inn in St. Martin, New Brunswick. This stew is perhaps one of the best ways to cook lobster: it's a [...]

Where to ski? – This is recommended by travel bloggers

We ask travel bloggers: where to go skiing? Where to ski? We continue our series of ski and winter travel topics with a survey among travel bloggers. We asked them which ski area they prefer to ski in. Their answers are astonishingly diverse: Clemens Sehi skis on the Kaunertal Glacier Clemens Sehi from Anekdotique tells us his: “My[…]