Recipes of the world

Apple crumble recipe for the Omnia oven

Apple crumble recipe for the camper. We like to eat the apple crumble dessert. We got to know the dish in Ireland and in the USA. They like to eat them there as dessert. It's often served with whipped cream or a dollop of vanilla ice cream. You can find out how to prepare them in the camper here.

Celebrate New Year's Eve with Aischgründer Carp

Why not celebrate New Year's Eve with Aischgründer carp? We visited the carp museum in Neustadt an der Aisch. In an old building on the city wall, the visitor learns everything there is to know about the Aischgründer carp. The carp is part of a traditional New Year's menu. Here you will find recipes on how to prepare carp yourself.

Italian Christmas cake from Brescia

You need patience to bake this traditional Italian Christmas cake. Flour, sugar, butter, eggs and yeast are the ingredients that it takes to make this cake. The secret lies in the preparation. The Bossolà requires leisure and a helping of passion.

Baking bread without Yeast is easy - how it works

With homemade yeast water you can bake bread without yeast. We tried baking bread on our pleasure trip to Texel. Since then we have been making bread ourselves at home. You don't always have yeast on hand. This method helps. Baking with yeast water requires a little more patience, but it helps if yeast is not available.

Bake the Easter braid recipe in the Omnia oven

Do you know how to bake an Easter braid in the camper? Chris tells us his Easter braid recipe for it. Easter is coming. For us, this includes Easter braid for breakfast. This has been a tradition for us since I was a child. It tastes best spread with butter and jam with coffee.

Snickerdoodles recipe

Granted, I tried the Snickerdoodle recipe because of the name of the cookies. Doesn't he make you laugh too? They also attracted me because of their origins. Because the recipe for the Snickerdoodle Cookies comes from the kitchens of the Mennonites and Amish.

Chocolate crinkle cookies

Chocolate crinkle cookies are easy to make. But they taste all the better. That Chocolate Crinkle Cookies are attributed to Betty Crocker is actually incorrect. Here you can find out the real story, and the recipe for the Chocolate Crinkles shouldn't be missing either.

Recipe for Linzer Cookies

The Linzer Cookie recipe comes from the city of Linz. The cookies are smaller forms of the Linzer Torte for which the place is famous. They consist of two cookies, the top one with one or three holes. They are filled with jam.