How do we prefer to travel?
Those of you who follow us on several of our three travel blogs may already have noticed that, at the moment, a blog post - a chain blog post, similar to the chain letters we wrote during my schooldays - makes the rounds. And this Blogstöckchen has it all, here but each participant submits his successors new questions that have to answer them. Yesterday I answered some indiscreet questions about traveling by Elke von Meerblog. Today it's about our philosophy of traveling, after which our blogger friend Elena von Creative Lena asks, with whom we traveled frequently during the past year. Two very different approaches to travel, which I both like to answer.

Question: Which travel experience has impressed you the most over the years? Why?
A good question, Elli. In this case - and because this post is supposed to be about the philosophy of travel - I actually have to refer to a travel experience that lasts for several years, more precisely 17 years. During this period I was repeatedly on the road on the Alaska Highway from British Columbia via the Yukon up to Alaska.
The first two years of my travels on this legendary road took place at a time when this highway was still largely unpaved, which often led to quite adventurous journeys for us: mud, rain and binding agent, which was supposed to bind the dust when it was dry , turned the road into a slippery slope, on which we often skidded rather than steered in the right direction. On the way we rarely, but always met incredibly helpful and gnarly guys who had ended up in the far north, and who mastered their lives there on their own in the wilderness, far away from any civilization. We got to know a colourful, extremely hospitable and fascinating people.

My experience of the Alaska Highway
As 1992 of the Alaska Highway was tarred throughout, the image of the people we encountered was rapidly changing. A true caravan of motorhomes and tourists in the far north set in, which placed ever higher demands on the supply, the accommodations, the campsites and the people in these regions. And these changed rapidly. The gnarly types we had loved became more and more superseded by service-minded service personnel who, often in vain, because they did not know and could not help in those regions, tried to meet the demands of civilization tourists. In the beginning it was often a lost love affair, but in the course of time more and more facilities were created that lived up to these demands. Only: the original, savage, untouched of the high north disappeared. Also through our own participation.
Since then, on my own trips, I have tried to intervene as little as possible in the local conditions and rather to understand why certain things are the way they are. I ask myself before any complaint that may be on my tongue, "Is that something I absolutely need? Or is it something that people here do not have or cannot understand because there is no such thing in their culture? ”When traveling, everything does not always have to be as I am used to at home. Then I could stay at home straight away and not go out into the world to discover other ways of life. For me, traveling still means discovering something strange and being open to the unfamiliar.
Question: What do you always have on your travels?
It's simple: I still need a notepad in my luggage, in which I write down all the thoughts that seem important to me on the way. In this way I record impressions that I collect on the way and that will be helpful to me later when writing my articles. My pad and pencil are still my favorite tools because I can see at a glance what moved me along the way. In addition, I can also make small sketches that serve as a reminder. It doesn't always have to be electronic bells and whistles, although I have them with me.
Question: Where are you going to travel with 60? And with whom?
If all goes well, still in the same countries as today (Europe, North America, Africa, Australia) - and maybe some that I have not seen before, for example in Asia or Latin America, which have always been my dream. And of course I would like to do that together with my husband Petar, who accompanies me today on all my travels.
Question: What do you mean by "creative travel"? Would you like to try it? And if so, where and how?
That you've already tried that, you know, Elli. You introduced us to the world of creative travel, and it was so much fun. In Altenmarkt-Zauchensee we had our last year once our Test skills as a painter, and in the Kunstmuseum Waldviertel in Schrems I have my blue chicken made of clay modeled. Both experiences will certainly remain in my memory for a long time, as they enable us to deal with our stay in a certain region much more intensively than if we only drive through it. I'm definitely ready for more creative travel.

Question: Your most beautiful travel experience with a local?
This is ours Interview with Peter Schleifenbaum at Haliburton Forest in Ontario, one who has told us about his life and success story in his new home Canada. I found it unbelievable how a German forest farmer emigrates with his entire family to Canada, where he manages one of the largest privately owned forests in Ontario, to build a business that can be seen and, moreover, masters a professorship at the University of Toronto. Hats off, Mr. Schleifenbaum!
Question: Why do you advise young people who want to travel?
Do not think twice, do it! There is nothing like traveling to shape one's personality. But when traveling, then with open eyes and open minds. Let yourself be taken on a strange, unusual, trying to find out why that is what's behind it. Only then will travel become interesting and exciting. And travel as often as possible and as young as possible. Life is either too short to see it all, but the sooner you start, the more you can experience and see.
Question: Where is your pain threshold when traveling? What would you just try out, endure, what not?
Since I no longer belong to the younger generation, I am no longer capable of sporting and extremely strenuous activities. But I still want to experience adventure and go to my limits. Only now do I do that within my limits, ie I deliberately exclude certain things and activities. I've never been an adrenaline junkie, nor a sports gun, so I do not find it particularly difficult not to parachute from airplanes, surf the highest waves, or ride in the wild on horseback. But I can still drive in extreme target regions - these will probably lure me all my life - except that I give up certain activities there. Instead, I travel to Slow Travel and learn about a region, its people and their way of life.
Question: Which travel experience are you particularly proud of?
The pike I caught in Great Slave Lake near Yellowknife in the Canadian Northwest Territories ...
Question: If you could get on the plane tomorrow, where would it take you?
I know that very well: if I could choose a destination according to my wishes, that would be the Antarctic. I have been dreaming of seeing the Antarctic penguins in the wild, entering the South Georgia coast, and seeing and experiencing the spring of Antarctica with its blue ice giants.
Question: The most delicious dish you have ever tasted in distant lands?
That's probably going to surprise you now, Elli: I've traveled extensively and eaten at many excellent restaurants around the world, all of which I really enjoyed. But whether it was Latin American food in Florida, an Australian bush barbecue in the outback, a lobster in Nova Scotia, or a tasty poitjekos in South Africa, I did not like anything like that Poppy noodles, which we last year in the poppy village Armschlag in the Austrian Waldviertel served. In the meantime, I can even cook them myself.

Question: What is your very personal travel philosophy?
When traveling, then intensely - for me that means not only seeing sights and beautiful landscapes, but also getting to know people, looking deeper, questioning certain things and taking their time. This is the only way to really experience a country.
Thank you for your great questions, dear Elena. It was a lot of fun to answer these. And now it's your turn to answer my new questions in a blog post on your blog:
Anja von Travel on toast
Julia from Wine Blog
Thomas of Travel and food
The Ryan's American Heritage Blog
Sarah from heart home
Bastian of Berlin Food Tour Blog
Eva from Pleasure Blog
Stefan from Fascination Southeast Asia
Questions for other travel bloggers
Since my blog revolves around the topic of culinary delights and travel around the world, I would like to give my readers an overview of what can be discovered in the kitchens of the world, so my questions revolve around this very topic: travel and food . I'm looking forward to your answers. Please link your blog posts in the comments to this post so that my readers can find them easily. And here are the eleven questions I would like you to answer.
We want to know
1. What is your favorite country from a culinary point of view and why?
2. Where can you best get to know the cuisine in your favorite country (restaurants / food trucks / on markets)?
3. What are the best-known specialties in your favorite country?
4. What is your absolute favorite dish in your favorite travel destination?
5. What should anyone know about the kitchen in your favorite country that has never been there?
6. Are there any culinary specialties in your favorite country that you should avoid? And why?
7. Are there any special eating behaviors in your favorite country that you should know as a stranger?
8. Can you taste the specialties from your favorite country here in Germany? If yes, where?
9. Is there a recipe from the kitchen of your favorite country that you would like to recommend?
10. Is there a drink typical of your favorite country? If so, is there a recipe for that?
11. What do you pay most attention to when traveling and dining? Enjoyment, experience, cultural authenticity or what?
So now it's your turn. Briefly introduce this blog post to your readers so they know what this blog post is about. Then answer my questions and ask ten other travel bloggers eleven more questions on topics that interest you and your readers. I'm curious about your answers and I hope you enjoy writing your posts as much as I do with mine.
Do you also know:
- The perfect destination in Franconia
- We ask travel bloggers: Where do you prefer to ski?
- A few indiscreet questions about traveling and my answers
- What do you need for hiking?
- Food in exotic countries
- Which rain jacket is the best?
Text: © Copyright Monika Fuchs and TravelWorldOnline
Photos: © Copyright Monika Fuchs and TravelWorldOnline