Regensburg sights: Your guide for a wonderful trip

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Regensburg sights

Regensburg in the Upper Palatinate is a city that I have known since I was a child. For me and my family it was both a destination and a shopping paradise. We went shopping there every few weeks. At the same time, we almost always used our stay to see the sights of Regensburg. As one of the oldest cities in Germany, Regensburg also plays an important role as a cultural and historical center in Eastern Bavaria.



Whether you're just planning a day trip or want to enjoy a longer stay in the city, you'll find tips here. Tourists can look forward to a list of the most important attractions that can be visited in one day. For long-term travelers, there are insider tips and activities that will help you experience the city in its full depth.

In this guide you will find a careful selection of the best sights in Regensburg that you should not miss. There's also practical advice on how to make the most of your time, including insider tips that you won't find in any travel guide. Finally, you'll find a range of recommendations for restaurants, cafes and shops so you can really experience the local flavor of the city.


Why should you visit Regensburg?

Regensburg has a rich history that dates back to Roman times. The well-preserved sights of Regensburg and the old streets tell stories from different eras. You can experience them up close during a visit.

Regensburg is also a place with culture. From classical concerts to modern art exhibitions, there is always something to discover here. There are also numerous festivals and events that take place throughout the year.

The city of Regensburg offers a wide range of culinary experiences. You can enjoy traditional Bavarian dishes in rustic inns or try international cuisine in modern cafés. And if you're a fan of sweets, you'll love the pastry shops that tempt their customers with their treats.


Regensburg sights
Regensburg sights in the old town


The must-see sights in Regensburg's old town

These must-see sights in Regensburg give you a deep insight into the history, architecture and culture of the city. The old town of Regensburg in particular is a real eye-catcher and is home to some of the most important sights.


Cathedral in Regensburg
Cathedral in Regensburg


The Regensburg Cathedral is one of the most important sights in Regensburg

Regensburg Cathedral, officially known as St. Peter's Cathedral, is much more than just a Gothic building; it is a testimony to medieval architecture and religious significance. As soon as you cross the threshold, you will be greeted by an atmosphere of calm that makes the history of the cathedral tangible.

One of the first things you notice are the detailed sculptures that decorate the portals and interior of the cathedral. The figures of the west portal, also known as the “Prince’s Portal”, are remarkable. They represent biblical and historical figures and are an example of the stonemasonry of the Middle Ages.

But the cathedral doesn't just have a lot to offer on the outside. Inside it impresses with its altars, frescoes and wall paintings. A highlight is the high altar, which is a central attraction with its finely crafted details and religious depictions.

The cathedral's stained glass windows are among the oldest preserved stained glass windows in Germany. They fascinate with their colors and patterns. In their pictures they tell stories from the Bible and the history of the saints.

But the cathedral is not just a Regensburg attraction for art lovers. It is also a place for musical events, especially for the famous Domspatzen, the oldest boys' choir in Germany. Their performances during the Christmas season are a real experience and attract people from all over the world.


The Stone Bridge in Regensburg
The Stone Bridge in Regensburg


The Stone Bridge – one of the historical sights in Regensburg

Built in the 12th century, the Stone Bridge originally served as an important trade route, connecting not only the old town with Stadtamhof, but also northern and southern Europe. Their importance for trade and the development of the city cannot be overestimated. Today it is one of the most important sights in Regensburg.

The bridge consists of 16 arches and is approximately 310 meters long. It was built from limestone that came from nearby quarries. The robust construction has ensured that the bridge has survived the centuries almost undamaged.

A special highlight of the bridge is the so-called “Bruckmandl”, a small stone figure that sits enthroned at the highest point of the bridge. This figure is a popular photo subject and has inspired many legends and stories over the years. Some say that the Bruckmandl watches over the city and its residents.

The view from the bridge is also impressive. From here you have a wonderful view of the Danube, the old town and the surrounding green areas.

But the Stone Bridge is not just a place for tourists. It is also a popular meeting place for locals. In summer you often see people hanging their feet in the Danube and enjoying the fresh air.

In addition, events regularly take place around the bridge, from small street festivals to large celebrations such as the annual bridge festival. This festival attracts thousands of visitors and offers a diverse program of music, food and activities for the whole family.


Altes Rathaus
Altes Rathaus


The old City Hall

The Old Town Hall is both a landmark in Regensburg and an important location in the political history of the city and Germany. The building originally dates back to the 14th century and has undergone many changes and expansions over time.

A wealth of discoveries awaits you inside the town hall. One of the highlights is the Reichssaal, which served as the meeting room of the perpetual Reichstag. This room is large and decorated with wood carvings and murals. Here you can feel the atmosphere that once shaped the decisions of the Holy Roman Empire.

In addition to the Imperial Hall, there are smaller rooms and chambers that had various functions. The torture chamber in the basement of the building is particularly interesting. Although the room is empty today, it provides an insight into the jurisprudence of the Middle Ages. A visit here is both fascinating and a little spooky.

The Old Town Hall also houses a museum that presents the history of the city from its beginnings to the present. The exhibition includes a wide range of artifacts, documents and works of art that give you an understanding of Regensburg's social and cultural development.

But the Old Town Hall is not just a place of the past; it still plays an important role in the city's public life today. It is a popular venue for events, concerts and exhibitions celebrating the city's cultural heritage.

If you want to get to know the heart of Regensburg, you shouldn't miss these three sights. They not only offer an insight into the city's long and diverse history, but are also evidence of the artistic and architectural mastery that Regensburg has to offer.


city ​​at court


Visit the Regensburg sights in 1 day

With our daily sightseeing plan, you'll definitely experience the most important attractions without overexerting yourself.

Morning: Regensburg Cathedral and old town

  • Arrivals: Try to arrive in Regensburg around 9am. The main train station is well connected to the public transport network.
  • Regensburg Cathedral: Start your day with a visit to Regensburg Cathedral. It usually opens at 9am. Allow about an hour for the visit.
  • breakfast: Afterwards, enjoy a quick breakfast in one of the many cafés in the old town.

Morning: Stone Bridge and Historical Museum

  • Stone bridge: After breakfast, make your way to the Stone Bridge. It's a short walk from the cathedral.
  • Photos and view: Take advantage of the opportunity to take photos and enjoy the view of the Danube.
  • historical Museum: If you still have time, visit the nearby Historical Museum to learn more about the city's history.

Lunch: Local cuisine and Old Town Hall

  • Lunch: Around 12:30 p.m., find a restaurant for a traditional Bavarian lunch.
  • Altes Rathaus: After lunch, visit the Old Town Hall. It's just a short walk from most restaurants in the old town.

In the afternoon: Stadtamhof and the banks of the Danube

  • Stadtamhof: Cross the Stone Bridge again and explore the Stadtamhof district.
  • Danube bank: Spend the later afternoon on the banks of the Danube. There are many small parks and seating areas.

Evening: dinner and farewell

  • Dinner and breakfast: Round off your day with dinner in one of the restaurants on the banks of the Danube.
  • Return trip: Plan your return journey so that you have enough time to get to the train station. Most trains run late into the night.

Additional tips

  • Transportation: The old town is easily accessible on foot, but there are also numerous buses and taxis.
  • Clothing: Sluggish comfortable shoes and clothing since you will be walking a lot.
  • Weather: Check the weather forecast and pack accordingly. One rain jacket can be useful.



Regensburg sights and insider tips for a longer stay

Are you planning a longer stay in Regensburg and would like to explore the city off the beaten track? These insider tips will make your stay in Regensburg an experience.

Thurn and Taxis St. Emmeram Castle – a Regensburg attraction for art lovers

While Regensburg Cathedral and the Stone Bridge are often the focus, St. Emmeram Castle is a real insider tip. This castle, owned by the Thurn und Taxis family, offers beautiful gardens and an interesting collection of works of art.

The Goliath House fresco

In the old town you will find the Goliath House with its fresco on the facade. It shows the biblical story of David and Goliath and is a real eye-catcher.

The Winzerer Höhenweg – a Regensburg attraction for hiking enthusiasts

If you like hiking, this is it Winzerer Höhenweg a good choice. This hiking trail takes you along the Danube and offers great views of the city and the surrounding nature.

Danube shipping

A cruise on the Danube is a great way to see the city from a different perspective. There are various providers that offer tours, but they are usually not overcrowded.

The Andreasstadel cinema

The Andreasstadel cinema is a must for film lovers. This small, independent cinema shows a selection of international films and is a good alternative to the large cinema chains.

The Duke's Park

The Herzogspark is a green oasis in the middle of the city. Here you can go for a walk, have a picnic or just enjoy the peace and quiet. It is a popular spot for locals but less known among tourists.

The historical Wurstkuchl

If you want to try the local cuisine, you shouldn't miss the Historische Wurstkuchl. This traditional sausage kitchen has existed since the Middle Ages and offers delicious bratwursts.

With these insider tips you can experience Regensburg in a very special way. They take you to lesser-known but worth seeing places and offer activities that you might not find in every travel guide.


Alleys in the old town
Alleys in Regensburg


The best activities in Regensburg city center

There you will find the best options for shopping and dining that downtown Regensburg has to offer. You can easily stroll through the streets of Regensburg's old town. There is always an interesting shop or a historic building that is worth a second look. Or you can search specifically for places that suit your taste:

shopping opportunities

Regensburg city center is a paradise for shopping lovers. The main streets such as Maximilianstraße and Gesandtenstraße offer a wide range of shops. From large fashion chains to small boutiques, there is something for everyone here. The DEZ shopping center is particularly recommended, as it brings together a variety of brands and shops under one roof. This was always a main goal on my family's shopping trips to Regensburg. For a more authentic shopping experience, you should visit the weekly market at Neupfarrplatz. Here you will find fresh products and handmade items directly from the producers.

cafes and restaurants

The gastronomic scene in downtown Regensburg is just as diverse. This is for coffee lovers Café Alex on Neupfarrplatz a must. They offer a wide selection of coffee specialties and delicious cakes. If you're looking for a savory snack, this is it Historical sausage cake the right adress. Located directly on the Danube, this traditional sausage kitchen offers delicious bratwursts and other local specialties. For a more upscale dinner, I recommend this Restaurant Storstad, which scores with its modern cuisine and stylish ambience.

Practical tips for your stay in Regensburg

These tips will help you plan your visit to the sights of Regensburg.

Best travel time for the sights in Regensburg

Regensburg is worth a visit at any time of year, but the months from May to September are particularly pleasant. During this time the temperatures are mild and the city literally blossoms. If you like less hustle and bustle, spring and autumn are good alternatives. They offer mild weather and fewer tourists.

accommodation options

There is a wide range of accommodation in Regensburg. From luxurious hotels to cozy guesthouses, everything is available. If you want to live centrally, the hotels in the old town are a good choice. There are also numerous hostels and holiday apartments for budget travelers. Early booking is recommended, especially in high season.

Find accommodation for your trip to Regensburg using our hotel list. Enter travel dates, number of people and desired type of accommodation. You will then receive a list with current daily prices for the accommodations of your choice. With just a few clicks you can find out more about the accommodations and then book them online.


Regensburg city center is easily accessible on foot, but there are various means of transport for longer distances. The buses are a cheap and efficient way to get around the city. If you want more flexibility, taxis or rental cars are a good option. Bicycles are also popular and can be rented at various locations around the city.

Conclusion on the sights in Regensburg

Regensburg is a city that offers a variety of sights and activities. From historical landmarks like Regensburg Cathedral and the Stone Bridge to lesser-known places like Thurn und Taxis St. Emmeram Castle, there is a lot to discover here. The city center also offers excellent shopping opportunities and a wide range of cafes and restaurants showcasing local cuisine.

My personal recommendations for your visit would definitely be the Winzerer Höhenweg for nature lovers as well as one Boat trip to Walhalla lock in. If you want to experience the local culture up close, you shouldn't miss the weekly market at Neupfarrplatz. For an authentic culinary experience, the Historic Wurstkuchl on the banks of the Danube is a must.

No matter whether you are spending just a day or a whole week in the city, Regensburg offers something for every taste and interest. With good planning and some insider tips, you will definitely make your stay an experience.



Campsites in the area of ​​Regensburg


Interesting facts about Regensburg


Travel Arrangements:

Parking at the airport

Here you can reserve your parking space at the airport.

Arrival to the sights of Regensburg

For example, book your journey here by flight, bus or train*. The nearest airports are Frankfurt, Munich or Nuremberg. By car you can reach Regensburg from Munich, for example, in one hour and 40 minutes. From Nuremberg it takes about an hour and 20 minutes. From Frankfurt it takes around three hours and 50 minutes by car. The route from Regensburg to Walhalla takes a good half an hour by car.

Car Rentals:

Rent a car - book quickly and easily!

Hotels in Regensburg:

Accommodations in and around Regensburg* you can also book through our partner



Travel guide for Regensburg

A Regensburg travel guide that makes you curious about the city on the Danube. If you want to get to know Regensburg intensively, then I recommend the Regensburg travel guide by Christoph Schmidt from the Michael Müller publishing house. In it you will not only find the highlights of the city, but also the unknown Regensburg. The five tours that Schmidt sends his readers on so that they can discover the different corners of Regensburg are great, of course with detailed maps and tips for sights, restaurants, cafés and shopping opportunities along the way. This allows you to plan a multi-day stay in Regensburg sensibly. The author also recommends interesting excursion tips along the Danube and the surrounding area. An all-round successful travel guide that makes you want to stay in Regensburg. Order here*.

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Regensburg sights
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Source: own research on site. In any case, our opinion remains our own.

Text Sights in Regensburg: © Copyright Monika Fuchs and TravelWorldOnline
Photos: © Copyright Monika Fuchs as well as TravelWorldOnline and Pixabay
Video: © Copyright Petar Fuchs and TravelWorldOnline

Regensburg sights: Your guide for a wonderful trip

Monika Fuchs

Monika Fuchs and Petar Fuchs are the authors and publishers of the Slow Travel and Enjoyment travel blog TravelWorldOnline Traveller. You have been publishing this blog since 2005. TravelWorldOnline has been online since 2001. Your topics are Trips to Savor and wine tourism worldwide and Slow Travel. During her studies, Monika Fuchs spent some time in North America, where she traveled to the USA and Canada - sometimes together with Petar Fuchs - and spent a research year in British Columbia. This strengthened her thirst for knowledge, which she pursued for 6 years Adventure Guide for Rotel Tours and then for 11 years as Study tour guide for Studiosus Reisen tried to breastfeed all over the world. She constantly expanded her travel regions, but curiosity still gnawed at her: “What is beyond the horizon? What else is there to discover in this city? Which people are interesting here? What do you eat in this region?” These are the questions she is now trying to answer as a freelance travel journalist (her articles have appeared in DIE ZEIT, 360° Canada, 360° USA, etc.), among others. travel writer and travel blogger answers in many countries around the world. Petar Fuchs produces the videos on this blog as well as on YouTube. Monika Fuchs from TravelWorldOnline is below Germany's top 50 bloggers in 2021 Other Information about Monika and Petar Fuchs. Recommendations on LinkedIn from tourism experts Further recommendations from cooperation partners and tourism experts Professional experience Monika on LinkedIn