Restaurants in the Spreewald

Four restaurants in the Spreewald that we can recommend. In these you can enjoy Spreewald specialties with a view of the water, in a charming café, at a candlelight dinner for romantics and with elegance in a castle restaurant.

In Toronto this tastes good

In Toronto it tastes good - even chocolate with crystal salt. Offer me chocolate and I won't say no. It tastes just as good in Toronto as it does anywhere else. I love chocolate in every form and intensity. And so I can rarely go past chocolate, pralines, chocolate pudding or chocolate cream. Every dessert menu that contains chocolate dishes has already[…]

Dinner on the beach at Nederzandt Strandplaats

During our trip to the Flower Parade in the Bollenstreek, we discovered a great restaurant for a romantic dinner on the beach or a dinner with friends in Noordwijk in Holland: Strandplaats Nederzandt. The very idea of ​​building a restaurant in the middle of the dunes deserves respect. The result is such an excellent restaurant as Strandplaats Nederzandt [...]

Hotel Seeblick in Klietz - A look into the cooking pots

The Elb-Havel-Winkel The Hotel Seeblick in Klietz * opens its kitchen for us. We are back in the Altmark region as kitchen spies. We were invited by the Elb-Havel-Winkel tourism authority in Saxony-Anhalt. This is the region on the other bank of the Elbe. Strictly speaking, the area no longer belongs to the Altmark. The Elbe separates the Elbe Havel Land from [...]

Enjoy a Bergische coffee table

Pastry cakes and cakes - fresh every day -, Bergisch waffles in various sorts and the Bergische coffee table - "Drinking coffee with everything dröm and drom" - are advertised on a slate on the facade of the nostalgia café in Velbert Neviges in North Rhine-Westphalia.