Franconian cuisine tastes delicious

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Franconian grilled sausages

Old Franconian cuisine - that's good eating in Franconia

The Franconian cuisine tastes delicious. She is diverse. This is partly due to the fact that the dishes are regional. There are other Franconian specialties in the beer region than in the wine region of Franconia. This is what makes a trip through this area so interesting. We therefore recommend that you also look into the cooking pots on a tour of Franconia. Better said, plan enough time for visits to inns, restaurants, wine shops, breweries, beer gardens and other places where Franconian cuisine is served. Your palate will definitely thank you.


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Franconian sausage specialties

You should like meat and sausages if you want to get to know Franconian cuisine - because they are traditional specialties here. Who doesn't know them, the Nuremberg Bratwurst? But did you know that there are big differences? Most Franconian sausages are made from pork, seasoned with salt and pepper and – what makes them special – marjoram. This type of sausage production originally comes from the Ansbach area. In the region around Kulmbach, on the other hand, a large part of the veal is added to the sausages.


Drei im Weggla
Drei im Weggla – Franconian cuisine


Drei im Weggla is typically Franconian

Depending on the area, the Franconian sausages are served differently. In Nuremberg you can buy them at the stand, in a roll or, as they say in Franconian, in a "Weckla" with medium-hot or hot mustard. It's best to ask for "Drei im Weggla". Your counterpart is guaranteed to know what it is about. If you ask for a "kinky" one, you'll get a halved bratwurst in a bun. So it fits better in the bun size. Sweet mustard or ketchup are frowned upon by traditionalists, but are usually an option. If you order them in the restaurant, up to six sausages and side dishes can be served, depending on the length of the sausages, which differs from region to region.


Saure Zipfel
Sour ends, bratwurst in vinegar – Franconian cuisine


Saure Zipfel

You can also get them as "Saure Zipfel". To do this, the sausages are steeped for about 20 minutes in a sour brew of vinegar water with onion rings, salt and pepper, sliced ​​yellow turnips, bay leaf and juniper berries. They are usually served with sauerkraut like this one Open Air Museum Bad Windsheim. In Bad Kissingen they were also served to us in a Wine bar.

Franconian snack specialties

Old Franconian cuisine is also reflected in the snacks

There is a lot of sausage and cheese with a Franconian snack. We got this snack plate with liver sausage, ham, meat sausage and slices of cheese decorated with pickles in the Brewery Doebler served in Bad Windsheim.




Typical of the Franconian cuisine are the various types of sausage and ham, which are best together with a freshly brewed glass of beer tried. On one Brotzeitteller you usually get the local sausage specialties and hams with liverwurst, meat or city sausage, ham, lard, cheeses and pickles as on this plate. There is also fresh farmhouse bread or rye bread. In the wine region near Miltenberg, for example, we are shown that things can look different.


Bake your own bread for a Franconian snack
Franconian snack


Snack specialties with wine from Franconian cuisine

There is also a Häckerbrotzeit with Franconian snack specialties that tastes well with wine.


Häckerbrotzeit from the Franconian kitchen


However, other specialties are also served there that are typical of Franconian cuisine in the wine country. This includes, for example, the onion blooz or onion blooz. I also read Onionblootz. In the Rhön area it is also called Plooz. The spellings as well as the pronunciation vary. This is an onion cake that looks like a pizza.


Onion block from Franconian cuisine
Onion block from the Franconian kitchen


Another specialty from the Franconian cuisine of the wine country, which we are served in a hacker economy served with the wine was Ghäckbrot with onions. This is a Bread with sausage meat. There are also chopped onions.




Franconian cuisine with meat

Typical Würzburg – Franconian Schäufele with dumplings

Who doesn't know them, the meat specialties from Franconia? The most typical is probably the "Schäufele", the pork shoulder, which is so called because of its shape. You should be hungry though. Just like you should like meat. Because a Schäufele is a large portion.


Franconian Schäufele
A Schäufele is typical of Franconian cuisine


Or the Franconian sauerbraten with red cabbage, which gets its characteristic taste from a Gingerbread receives, which is used as a sauce binder. There are also potato dumplings. If you like it even more hearty, a Franconian battle bowl with black pudding and liver sausage on sauerkraut is definitely the right choice. Roulades, which are served with savoy cabbage in Franconia, are also typical of Franconian cuisine.


Franconian roulades
Franconian roulades


The gourmet region of Upper Franconia also has recipes with tradition


One of them is the broth. This is a sausage soup from the Bamberg area. It is a blood soup prepared at slaughter festivals. Then they are served with dumplings.

Ziebeleskäs from Bamberg

Another specialty from Bamberg is Ziebeleskäs. It is also known as white cheese. It's cottage cheese mixed with finely chopped onions. This is often served as an accompaniment to a snack or on a ham plate.

Franconian specialties with wine

Asparagus dishes

In the wine country along the Main river, Franconian cuisine shows its elegant side. In spring, we were served a delicious asparagus menu with cream of asparagus soup as a starter in a vinotheque in one of the wine-growing towns on the Main.


Asparagus Cream Soup
Asparagus cream soup - Franconian cuisine in the wine country


As an intermediate course there was green asparagus with shrimp.


Green asparagus with prawns from Franconian cuisine
Green asparagus with shrimp


The main course was a pork fillet with asparagus, hollandaise sauce and fried potatoes.


Pork fillet with asparagus and potatoes from Franconian cuisine
Pork fillet with asparagus and potatoes


Franconian specialties with fish

If you don't feel like the meat dishes of Franconia at all, you can try fish dishes, such as the pike perched on a bed of vegetables in the photo below. We savored this in the Freilandmuseum in Bad Windsheim.


Zander on risotto from the Franconian kitchen
Pike perch on risotto


Aischgrüner carp baked Franconian style

However, this is more typical carp, above all, is the valley of the Aisch between Bad Windsheim and Neustadt ad Aisch are known as carp country. Fish have been bred in the ponds here for centuries. In the Neustadt Carp Museum you can learn everything about the history of carp farming in this region of Franconia. Of course, the restaurants in the area serve carp the traditional way. If you want to try it yourself, however, you should be aware that carp is only on the menu here in the autumn and winter months (the months with an "r").


Carp with a smoked crust and bacon from Franconian cuisine
Carp with smoked crust and bacon


Ingreek – next to the baked carp in Franconia

Ingrecian is also found in the Aischgrund and in the Nuremberg area. This specialty is regional and is mainly served in carp restaurants. This is the roe (sperm cells) of the carp. In the past, the entrails of the carp were also used for this. You rarely see that now. Roe is breaded with milk and fried in fat. Then you serve it with a salad.

Franconian sweet specialties

Of course, nothing works in Franconian cuisine without sweet specialties. However, these are more seasonal.

Nuremberg specialties – Elisen gingerbread

At Christmas time, nothing beats the Elisen Lebkuchen from Nuremberg. These gingerbread cookies belong on every gift table.


Elisen Lebkuchen from Franconian cuisine
Elisen Lebkuchen – Christmas delicacies from Franconian cuisine


Küchla from the Franconian kitchen

The second Franconian specialty from the sweet corner is only available at certain times of the year. The Küchla is baked in the Autumn and at carnival time in the lard. This is a great way to feast before the start of Lent. (In the past, people also fasted before Christmas.) Sprinkled with powdered sugar, they taste best when they are still warm.


Stripped, Küchle or farmer's donuts from the Franconian kitchen
Stripped, Küchle or farmer's donuts are part of Franconian cuisine


Franconian cuisine from Forchheim - Urrädla from Franconia

A specialty from the Forchheim region and Franconian Switzerland is Urrädla. They are also known as Breida Küchla, Braada Küchla or Dürra Küchla. It is a thin fried pastry made from egg yolk, sour cream and flour. The thin dough is baked in clarified butter the end. The Urrädla is traditionally served at family celebrations and festivals.

Franconian cuisine is varied

On our travels through Franconia, we enjoyed Franconian specialties that show how diverse the Franconian cuisine is. There are definitely differences depending on the region. In the beer region around Schweinfurt and Bad Windsheim there was old Franconian cuisine with hearty snacks and many meat dishes. The Franconian wine country, on the other hand, scores with fine dishes such as asparagus, the dishes from which make my mouth water to this day. It is worth eating not only in the dining rooms and restaurants. The Häckerwirtschaft and vinotheques in the wine region also boast delicacies that delight the palate. A journey through Franconia is definitely a tour through the Land of Cockaigne. Connoisseurs can taste delicacies that are typical of the region.


Franconian cuisine
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Source Fraenkische Kueche: research and samples on site. Our opinions definitely remain our own.

Text Franconian cuisine: © Copyright Monika Fuchs and TravelWorldOnline
Photo Fraenkische Kueche: © Copyright by Monika Fuchs and TravelWorldOnline. Also, the article includes photos from Wikimedia Commons in the public domain.
Video: © Copyright by Petar Fuchs and TravelWorldOnline

Franconian cuisine tastes delicious

Monika Fuchs

Monika Fuchs and Petar Fuchs are the authors and publishers of the Slow Travel and Enjoyment travel blog TravelWorldOnline Traveller. You have been publishing this blog since 2005. TravelWorldOnline has been online since 2001. Your topics are Trips to Savor and wine tourism worldwide and Slow Travel. During her studies, Monika Fuchs spent some time in North America, where she traveled to the USA and Canada - sometimes together with Petar Fuchs - and spent a research year in British Columbia. This strengthened her thirst for knowledge, which she pursued for 6 years Adventure Guide for Rotel Tours and then for 11 years as Study tour guide for Studiosus Reisen tried to breastfeed all over the world. She constantly expanded her travel regions, but curiosity still gnawed at her: “What is beyond the horizon? What else is there to discover in this city? Which people are interesting here? What do you eat in this region?” These are the questions she is now trying to answer as a freelance travel journalist (her articles have appeared in DIE ZEIT, 360° Canada, 360° USA, etc.), among others. travel writer and travel blogger answers in many countries around the world. Petar Fuchs produces the videos on this blog as well as on YouTube. Monika Fuchs from TravelWorldOnline is below Germany's top 50 bloggers in 2021 Other Information about Monika and Petar Fuchs. Recommendations on LinkedIn from tourism experts Further recommendations from cooperation partners and tourism experts Professional experience Monika on LinkedIn