Things to do in Inverness Scotland

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Inverness Scotland

Inverness in Scotland

If you are planning a holiday in Inverness, Scotland, there are many sights and activities that you should not miss. Find out more about the top attractions in Inverness here. Known as the gateway to the Highlands, Inverness is rich in history, nature and Scottish culture. Be sure to explore the imposing castle perched high above the River Ness and enjoy the stunning views of the city and surrounding countryside. Stroll along the waterfront and discover hidden gems that will amaze you. Learn about the region's rich history and experience the fascinating stories of times gone by. Explore mysterious sites that will take you to another world.



Enjoy the unspoilt nature and explore the picturesque landscape of the Highlands. Let yourself be inspired by majestic mountains, deep lochs and secluded valleys. Also feel the warm hospitality of the locals, taste traditional Scottish dishes and learn about the fascinating culture.

Inverness offers you a unique mix of history, nature and the Scottish way of life. In Inverness, Scotland you can relax, experience new adventures and make unforgettable memories.

City map of Inverness Scotland

Map created with hiking log, at Travel Planner we iOS and Android


Things to do in Inverness Scotland

Inverness is the capital of the Highlands in Scotland. Inverness is a city in Scotland that is part of the United Kingdom. It is the only place in the Highlands to have “city” status. Inverness is a place with a long history. There is evidence of prehistoric settlement. Where the Old High Church of Inverness now stands was one of the main Pictish castles in the 6th century. Macbeth reigned in the castle in the 11th century. However, he did not do this quite as bloodthirsty as Shakespeare portrayed him. The surrounding area is also steeped in history. Not far from here, at Culloden, the last battle between Jacobites and English government troops took place in 1746. We want them points of interest & sights from Inverness discover Scotland.

An Inverness Scotland vacation is Nessie and more

Inverness in Scotland was the starting point for our trip to Loch Ness Scotland. The city is interesting not only because of the legends of Nessie. It is also the largest city in the Scottish Highlands and the starting point for many Sights in Scotland. It lies on the Moray Firth. This is a bay that extends inland from the North Sea. The River Ness flows into this. With average temperatures ranging between 4 and 14 degrees Celsius all year round, the climate is warm and temperate. There is rarely snow. However, rainfall is high, even during the driest month in April. You can see this in the vegetation. The city's almost 47.000 residents appreciate this. Visitors also like to take advantage of these conditions to travel to the region all year round.


Surroundings of Inverness
Surroundings of Inverness in Scotland


Explore Inverness, the capital of the Highlands, with us

We take a stroll through Inverness and explore Scotland's capital of the Highlands. We've collected all the tips and tricks you need to find the perfect attractions in this vibrant city. A real Scot accompanies us. Cameron knows the city well as he lives there. He also shows them to guests from all over the world. Apparently he's very well known in his town. Not only that people from the city constantly greet him and shake his hand. No, even overseas visitors get excited when they see it. "You are THE Cameron? Wow! I did not expect to see you in person, “says one of his fans, who has apparently just arrived from the United States. No wonder! Cameron stands out. Because he proudly wears his kilt on this September morning when it is drizzling. A Scot as it is in the book. Finding a better travel guide is difficult.


Our guide Cameron
He shows us the sights of Inverness in Scotland - Our guide Cameron in the cemetery of the Old High Church


Discover Inverness in the footsteps of a local

From its lively pubs to interesting sights, Inverness offers the perfect opportunity to explore Scotland's Highland capital. With a range of attractions and activities on offer, whether you're looking for outdoor adventures or just wanting to soak up the atmosphere, you can experience first-hand why locals love this city.

A stroll through Inverness Scotland

Discover the historical and cultural attractions of Inverness Scotland

Inverness is packed with historical and cultural attractions, from the Castle to St Andrews Cathedral. Stroll the cobbled streets of the old town and soak up the atmosphere on the streets for a glimpse of the city's past. You can also take a guided tour of some of Scotland's most famous monuments. There is something for everyone in this cultural capital!


Inverness Castle towers over the city - one of the Things to do in Inverness Scotland


We begin our tour of Inverness at

the Scotland Inverness Castle

Inverness Castle is perched on a hill overlooking the River Ness. Today it houses the Sheriff's Court of Inverness. However, there are plans to open the castle to the public. So far, only the North Tower as a lookout tower and the parks are accessible. From here you have a good view of the river and the city.

The Castle and Macbeth

The castle, as it stands today, was created in 1836. Before that, however, there were other castles and palaces that stood at this point from 1057. Malcolm III. built the first castle, after Macbeth killed his father Duncan I in a castle about a mile from here.


One of the castles in the region
Inverness Castle - one of the Things to do in Inverness Scotland


Mary Stuart and the Castle

The castle also played a role in the life of Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots. She visited the castle in the year 1562. However, she found the gates locked. This was done by order of George Gordon, the Fourth Earl of Huntly. Only when the clans of Munros and Frasers flocked to the queen, the tide turned. They besieged the castle and finally conquered it after three days. Mary spent four nights at the castle and then moved on with her train. Alexander Gordon, who had denied her access, was executed for treason.

From the castle our way leads past the Inverness Museum & Art Gallery to the High Street. The Town House, the city council, is on the corner of High St. and Castle Wynd.

We follow Church Street and come by Hootanany, a pub that plays live music in the evenings.


Book trips to the area here


We turn off to the cemetery at the

Old High Church

It is one of the churches in Inverness. It is remarkable because its pulpit is located between the two entrances to the church, not - as is usual - in the front part of the church building. In the church cemetery there are graves whose tombstones are damaged. These are the graves of people who committed some crime in their lifetime for which they were not held accountable. In Inverness in Scotland they make sure that they do not find eternal rest.

At the back of the church we reach the shore of the River Ness. There the

Bouncing Bridge

or the Greig Street Bridge, how it is officially called, turns to the right. Its nickname is well picked. The closer we get to the center of the bridge, the more we feel the swinging of the bridge.


Inverness Book hotel here *


Our guide Cameron - a rascal - tells us the story of St. Columba, who is said to have been the only one to have seen the Loch Ness monster in 565. The monk, who came to the region from Ireland to convert the Picts, watched the monster try to devour one of them as he swam across the River Ness. He struck the sign of the cross and instructed the monster: "You will not move any further and you will not touch this man. Back off immediately.” The monster ostensibly obeyed and continued swimming into Loch Ness. "Who knows, maybe things are still going on there today - or something?" Says Cameron with a wink.

On the other bank of the river we turn left. We pass the Scottish Kiltmaker Visitor Center, where you can find out more about the craft of kiltmaking. From there our path leads to Strathness House. The Beatles stayed at this hotel in the early 60s. It is said that they wrote one of their songs here. Opposite is the


St Andrews Cathedral in Inverness Scotland
St Andrews Cathedral in Inverness - one of the Things to do in Inverness Scotland


St. Andrew's Cathedral

The cathedral was inaugurated in 1869. It was built at the instigation of Bishop Robert Eden and was built according to plans by Alexander Ross. Worth seeing is the church interior, which impresses visitors with its light effects. The Episcopal Church offers services. Several times a year they take place in Gaelic. Since 2017, the Scottish Episcopal Church offers ecclesial marriage to homosexuals.


St Andrews Cathedral Interior Inverness Scotland
St Andrews Cathedral Interior in Inverness


Sample the local cuisine and pub scene

When it comes to enjoying some of Scotland's finest delicacies, immerse yourself in the exciting flavors and experiences that Inverness has to offer. For example, take a break for a traditional food at a Highland pub – try dishes like Cullen Skink or Haggis with neeps and tatties. You can also do some of the best whiskeys of Scotland sample in local bars and pubs – keep an eye out for exclusive brands like Glenmorangie, made in nearby Tain. Afterwards, end your evening with live music in one of the city's cozy traditional pubs.

Our route takes us from St. Andrew's Cathedral back to the Ness Bridge, over which we once again reach the city centre. Just in time for a lunch break


Pork belly on pumpkin puree with red wine sauce
Pork belly on pumpkin puree with red wine sauce


Number 27

a pub restaurant where we enjoy our lunch: pork belly on pumpkin puree in a red wine sauce. This gives us strength for exploring Loch Ness in Scotland and Urquart Castle and around Inverness. If you want to know more about Scottish food and drink, you can find a blog post about it here.

Visit some of Inverness Scotland's unique boutiques and galleries

If you are looking for something special, Inverness has many unique boutiques and galleries to explore. Be sure to take a stroll through the city center to discover some hidden gems like the Kensington Art Gallery or the Fringed Kilt Boutique. Both shops have a range of beautiful artwork and designs from local makers. Why not grab a souvenir to remember your Scotland Inverness vacation?


Scottish costume
Scottish costume

Enjoy outdoor activities in the beautiful Highlands

If you're looking for outdoor fun, Inverness and the surrounding area offer plenty of activities to keep you busy. Take a riverside stroll to the Ness Islands, for example, or challenge yourself on the Inverness Sky Trail - the longest ropes course in Scotland! There are several mountain walks to explore, from moderate climbs up Craig Phadrig or Tomnahurich Hill to more challenging routes to Sgurr na Coinnich and Beinn Fhada in the Inverness area of ​​Scotland. Of course, no trip to Scotland is complete without fishing - visit local rivers like the River Ness and River Lochy if you fancy catching salmon.

Inverness Stone Circle

The city would not be in Scotland if there were not a stone circle near it. This one is even one that made it into the novel “Outlander” by Diana Gabaldon. He achieved film fame in the film adaptation of the novel. The Inverness stone circle with the split stone is almost 20 kilometers outside the city and is signposted. From Inverness you can take a tour to the locations of the Highland saga. shows you where you can find the region on the trail of Jamie and Claire can explore. If you want to read Jamie and Claire's story, you can find it in the Outlander saga by Diana Gabaldon* (Advertisement). You can find information about stone circles in Scotland and near Inverness here.


Outlander attractions near Inverness in Scotland

Get to know the Inverness sights of the Outlander novels, for example on an Outlander day tour. You'll learn more about the Clava Cairns stone circle and the inspiration for the Outlander novels.

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Discover Inverness on your own

The city has a lot to offer and there are many ways to explore on your own. First of all, you should get a map so you don't get lost. If you like walking, I recommend a walk along the River Ness. There you can enjoy the landscape and admire the architecture.

Another highlight of the city is the Castle of Inverness. It was built in the 19th century and is an impressive building. Near the castle you will also find Inverness Cathedral, which is a fine example of Gothic architecture. If you want to learn more about the history of Inverness, you can visit the Inverness Museum and Art Gallery. There you will find many exhibitions about the city and the region.

And if you get hungry, Inverness has plenty of restaurants and cafes where you can sample local specialities. Just have a look in the old town, you will definitely find something that you like.

Overall, Inverness is a great city with a lot to offer. If you want to explore them on your own, the best way to do this is by taking a walk!

Scotland Highlands Inverness

Inverness is on the edge of the Scottish Highlands. This makes it a good starting point for excursions in the region.


Petar is looking for the Loch Ness Monster
Petar is looking for the Loch Ness Monster


Take a trip to nearby Loch Ness

Spend the day exploring one of Scotland's most iconic locations - Loch Ness. Just a short distance from Inverness, this lake is home to a variety of stunning scenes and offers some fantastic photo opportunities. For example, take a boat tour around the lake to explore the beauty of the surrounding waters and stop at Urquhart castle for some magical moments. A walk along the coast can be very peaceful, especially on a sunny day!


Loch Ness Tour in Inverness Scotland

  • You can go on a Loch Ness tour in search of the sea monster or
  • if you want to rent a car in Inverness, you can rent one and do the Loch Ness tour on your own.


Sights in the Scotland Highlands

    • If you want to learn a little more about the history of the region, then a visit to the Culloden Battlefield Visitor Center. Corinne from Reflections Enroute presents this in detail in her blog.
    • Among other things, we present what we have discovered in the region in this post .
    • You can also find more excursions to sights in the Scottish Highlands here:
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What is a must-have for a holiday in Scotland suitcase?

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Questions and answers about your Scotland Inverness holiday

What is Inverness Castle and is it worth visiting?

Inverness Castle is a historic site with stunning views of the River Ness. A visit is definitely worth it!

What activities can I do in Inverness for adventure lovers?

In Inverness there are many adventure activities you can try, such as a boat trip on Loch Ness, a hike through the Highlands or a bike ride around the area.

Where are the best restaurants for traditional Scottish food in Inverness?

There are many great restaurants in Inverness offering traditional Scottish food and drink. Try haggis, Cullen Skink or a delicious whiskey at one of the restaurants in town.

What cultural activities are there in Inverness?

Inverness offers many cultural activities such as museums and galleries such as the Inverness Museum and Art Gallery. Here you can learn more about Scottish history and culture.

How can I make the most of my time in Inverness Scotland?

In Inverness there are many ways to make the most of your time. Visit historical sights, hike in nature, taste local cuisine or play sports. Also, take the opportunity to meet new people and chat with locals to really experience the city.

Have you ever been to Inverness, Scotland?

What impressed you most? Have you discovered a hotel that is particularly inviting? Or have you tried a Scottish specialty that sticks in your memory? Tell us about your experiences in a comment. Readers planning a Scotland Inverness holiday appreciate tips from people who reflect their own experiences.


Travel organization:

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Parking at the airport

Here you can reserve your parking space at the airport.

How to get there

Compare and book flights here*. Inverness has its own airport. However, there are currently no direct flights from Germany. Flights to Scotland Inverness from Germany require a stopover. We are with KLM from Munich Traveled to Scotland via Amsterdam. Flights are also possible Frankfurt or Berlin with stopover. At the airport you can then continue your journey by rental car or public transport.

Rent a car at the airport:

A car can be found at Inverness Airport Inverness Car Rental rent.

Accommodation :

Hotels in and around Inverness * For example, you can book here. We have in Kingsmills Hotel* stayed in Inverness. We then spent the third night in a B&B in Drumnadrochit. Under Bed and Breakfast Inverness Scotland * you can also book bed and breakfasts in and around Inverness.

Camping in Inverness

There are several campsites in the Inverness area. One such example is Bunchrew Caravan Park Ltd., Bunchrew, Inverness IV3 8TD. Everything you need for motorhome trips here. Rent motorhomes you can also here. With our Motorhome packing list Plus, you'll never forget anything again. Or would you rather stay overnight instead? roof tent on the car? The overnight stay in camping tents is also possible. Scotland and the Highlands are definitely well suited for motorhome holidays in nature.

Travel Guides

Travel Guide for Scotland * you can order from Amazon, for example.

If you purchase via a link marked *, we receive a commission, which we use to run this blog.


Find information about current events in Inverness on this website.

You can also get information on site for your Inverness Scotland holiday from the

Tourist Information

36 High Street,

Inverness Scotland attractions

The attractions in Inverness and the surrounding area make the city a holiday destination for an Inverness Scotland holiday or for a long weekend break. For example, we recommend these attractions for an Inverness holiday:


Inverness Scotland holidays
Click on the photo and then make a note of “Inverness Scotland Vacation” on Pinterest


Do you know this?


Source for the article Inverness Scotland vacation: own research on site. Our opinions definitely remain our own.

More cities in Scotland for Slow Travel Scotland tours can also be found under these links. Discover Attractions here.

We would definitely like to thank Visit Great Britain and Visit Inverness Loch Ness for inviting us to this Inverness Scotland holiday. The Tourist Information Inverness supported us in our search for places for an Inverness holiday in and around the city. However, our opinions remain our own.

Text Scotland Inverness Holidays: © Copyright Monika Fuchs and TravelWorldOnline
Photos © Copyright Monika Fuchs and TravelWorldOnline
Video © Copyright Petar Fuchs and TravelWorldOnline

Things to do in Inverness Scotland

Monika Fuchs

Monika Fuchs and Petar Fuchs are the authors and publishers of the Slow Travel and Enjoyment travel blog TravelWorldOnline Traveller. You have been publishing this blog since 2005. TravelWorldOnline has been online since 2001. Your topics are Trips to Savor and wine tourism worldwide and Slow Travel. During her studies, Monika Fuchs spent some time in North America, where she traveled to the USA and Canada - sometimes together with Petar Fuchs - and spent a research year in British Columbia. This strengthened her thirst for knowledge, which she pursued for 6 years Adventure Guide for Rotel Tours and then for 11 years as Study tour guide for Studiosus Reisen tried to breastfeed all over the world. She constantly expanded her travel regions, but curiosity still gnawed at her: “What is beyond the horizon? What else is there to discover in this city? Which people are interesting here? What do you eat in this region?” These are the questions she is now trying to answer as a freelance travel journalist (her articles have appeared in DIE ZEIT, 360° Canada, 360° USA, etc.), among others. travel writer and travel blogger answers in many countries around the world. Petar Fuchs produces the videos on this blog as well as on YouTube. Monika Fuchs from TravelWorldOnline is below Germany's top 50 bloggers in 2021 Other Information about Monika and Petar Fuchs. Recommendations on LinkedIn from tourism experts Further recommendations from cooperation partners and tourism experts Professional experience Monika on LinkedIn

21 thoughts too "Things to do in Inverness Scotland"

  1. A great report! Unfortunately, I only saw Inverness passing through one evening and would have liked to explore more there. :)

    Greetings from Vienna

    1. Hello Christian,

      we know that well. Often one sees only locally that one would like to have had more time for a city or a region. For us that usually means that we go back to explore the area more intensively. Inverness and Loch Ness are perfect for a weekend getaway. In three to four days in the region you can get to know them very well.

      Best regards,

  2. As always a very nice article! I also liked Inverness, but unfortunately I failed to pay a visit to St. Andrew's Cathedral. I would definitely catch up with that next time.

    1. Dear Silja,

      Thank you very much for the nice comment. I am very happy if you like our articles. In St. Andrew's Cathedral I especially liked how to play there with the different colors of light. That's very impressive, I think.

      Best regards,

  3. Hello Monika, hello Petar, nice that we met yesterday, so to speak, in my extended home. What can I say, I've never been to Scotland. it's been a long time already on the plan. Thanks for the great inspiration, make you want more.
    See you soon, Claudia

    1. Liebe Claudia,

      that made us happy. Would be nice if it works more often. We don't “know” Scotland yet. We went for a short trip to Inverness and Loch Ness. But that already impressed us very much. A fascinating landscape and a pretty small town. But at the same time the largest city in Scotland. There is sure to be more to discover.

      Best regards,

  4. Hello Katharina,

    Well, the weather in Inverness is not that crazy. It is just maritime climate in a temperate zone, so relatively mild temperatures and rainfall. But that's what you expect in Scotland, right?

    Best regards,

  5. Dear Monika,

    Inverness is in my opinion one of the most beautiful cities in Scotland, where a visit is always worthwhile. We were traveling by car and when I saw the city from afar, I fell in love with her. Thank you for rousing this reminder once again. :)

    Many greetings

    1. Dear Kathi,

      Since I do not have a comparison so far - Inverness is the first and only city in Scotland that I know - it is difficult to say if there are more beautiful ones. But I found her very nice. The location on the River Ness makes a lot of. Thank you for your comment.

      Best regards,

  6. I've heard about Inverness before in connection with whiskey. There should be some distilleries there. In the weather you can sometimes need a sun-yellow drink ... although I do not like any whiskey. Maybe I would try it on the spot and drink my courage for the Loch Ness ;-)
    Best regards,

    1. Liebe Sabine

      haha, do not need courage to visit Loch Ness. Nessie hides well :). I also always thought Scottish whiskey did not taste good. But our visit has taught me a lesson. A report will follow.

      Best regards,

  7. Hi
    I am always fascinated by the architecture of the old churches. The Friehöfe have something mystical somehow. I would also love to see Loch Ness, especially since it is so full of legends. And now I know what else I can do;)
    Best regards,

    1. Hello Kuno,

      Church architecture is also fascinating. Amazing what has been built over the centuries worldwide. Loch Ness, Inverness and its surroundings offer even more. There will be more reports on the blog soon.

      Best regards,

  8. A wonderful report that brought me closer to this region.
    The ritual with the tombstones I found interesting. As the question arises to me, who has made this to disturb the eternal peace ??

    1. Dear Anne,

      I can not tell you who that was with the gravestones. But I do not think that those were the community leaders. These were probably more people who were affected.

      Best regards,

  9. Nice pictures and great impressions !! But one question burns under my nails: How can you speak of "warm" all year round at average temperatures of 4 to 14 degrees? :O

    Ironically, that of all the capricious April is the driest month there. A bit wrong world - but in front of a breathtaking backdrop, as you can see in your pictures very well.

    1. Dear Julia,

      haha, I thought that there will be any questions. These are average temperatures. Temperatures of 25 ° and higher can be reached in summer. In winter, on the other hand, the thermometer rarely sinks below freezing. Snow hardly falls. The vegetation in Inverness is therefore surprisingly diverse. In airconditioning one speaks there of temperate climate. April is funny too. But as you say, a little twisted world is that already :).

      Best regards,

  10. Very nice, I'm in Inverness from next week and some people already warned me that it was rather boring ... Your guide speaks another language and I'm looking forward to it!

    1. Dear Sandra,

      it depends on how long you are in Inverness. There is also a lot to see in the area. In the city alone, you will probably soon run out of “interesting” things. But it's also worth exploring the area. There is a lot to discover.

      Best regards,

    1. Hello, dear Jenny,

      We agree with you absolutely. This was our first time in Scotland and we are thrilled. Although our trip was short, we have already gotten an idea of ​​what Scotland has to offer. We hope to be back soon.

      Best regards,

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